
ntrprnr is a great friend to have

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He's awesome, I am a member of the Peter fan club too!

Sweet that you have a new job. What will you be doing?

Peter, know anyone in telecom? My husband needs a job, I want my old life back of being able to spend money! :ph34r:

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I bet he does!! I sent him my resume and like two days later, I am getting emails from people going out of their way to help me.

It took a few weeks to get things going, but in the end he was better then any job board or recruiting agency.

I am going to be working for a company called Didit.com. They have a new start up venture that they need sales people for.

The awesome part is that I am the 1st and only one. If (when) I help get this started right, I get to stop doing sales and get some folks working under me. All ahead full.

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