
What a great day.

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I get to start going full weight bearing today. I'm pretty damn happy about that.

This may sound weird but while it sucks that it happened and I hated a lot of the recovery process I'm not sorry it happened. It really made me realize a bunch of things. I never thought I was so good I couldn't get hurt but I did start to take my landings for granted. My accident really made me realize I need to work on my canopy skills. If I knew how to flare from breaks and was more comfortable that may have saved my ass. Also if I would have had the presence of mind to PLF I may have been ok but I just kinda freaked out. I even asked my doctor, saying I know all he had was the x-rays but judging by those does he think PLFing may have saved my leg and he said it possibly could have.

So as I said before, while it sucks I'm not sorry and it made me think about some things and I may be a better skydiver because of the fact I broke myself.

It also comes with a nice little realization in everyday life. With all the bad crap in the world it also really makes you realize that people are good people. Someone has always been nice enough to open the door for me or grab a paper from the instructor for me.

Hopefully the rest of you newbies will learn what I learned without having to break something to do it.

I hope everyone's day is as good as mine. :)

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That's a great post and much respect to you for learning from your accident. Here's an excerpt from a PM that tonto sent me after i broke my leg a few years back, his words have always stuck with me:

"I think it's finally true to you when I say: The ground is not fast - but it's patient. Or: The ground always knows where you are."

You know now. You've gone from the "YeeHaa!" Marine excited about battle to the wounded survivor, worried about his wounded friends and who sees the faces of the dead before sleep. Ours is not an ideological struggle. We can never win this war. We have only each other, and the moments we share. The ground doesn't care. It never will."

We can't always survive accidents unhurt, but at least we can learn.

Be safe out there

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If I knew how to flare from breaks and was more comfortable that may have saved my ass.

breaks: What you don't want to do again.

brakes: Those lines coming down off the trailing edge, which if operated properly, will keep you from doing that again.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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If I knew how to flare from breaks and was more comfortable that may have saved my ass.

breaks: What you don't want to do again.

brakes: Those lines coming down off the trailing edge, which if operated properly, will keep you from doing that again.


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If I knew how to flare from breaks and was more comfortable that may have saved my ass.

breaks: What you don't want to do again.

brakes: Those lines coming down off the trailing edge, which if operated properly, will keep you from doing that again.

normally i would have spelled it right. I'm just so used to typing break over the last 4 weeks that i heard brakes in my head and typed it as breaks.

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Wow- great and unexpected post.

I know from experience that while breaking my leg was not a pleasant experience, it was a learning experience on a lot of different levels.

Good luck with the weight bearing. Hope you saved some pain meds because for those first few days, it can be really really painful. Don't push too hard, know your limits and rest and elevate as needed.

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Wow- great and unexpected post.

I know from experience that while breaking my leg was not a pleasant experience, it was a learning experience on a lot of different levels.

Good luck with the weight bearing. Hope you saved some pain meds because for those first few days, it can be really really painful. Don't push too hard, know your limits and rest and elevate as needed.

Saved two percocet tablets and about 8 norco just because I anticipated a painful situation in the future. Hopefully I won't have to use them.

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i heard brakes in my head and typed it as breaks.

What else do the voices in your head tell you?

Good luck on the continued recovery and congrats on manning up and coming through without your head up your ass and a chip on your shoulder. I've seen a few people get banged up and the only thing they learned was how to blame everyone/thing but themselves. I think you'll do fine from here out.
You are only as strong as the prey you devour

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