
Forex trading

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Anyone here heard of / use GCI Financial or similar software to do their own forex/commodity trading?

I've been working on a demo account and by being conservative having consistently good daily profits.

I know of the risks involved, but the potential rewards are making me seriously think of opening a live account & trying to earn some extra jump money.

Any help/thoughts will be appreciated :)
D.S # 125

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They seem to have high marks from several of the rating venues. I may have to look into it myself... if for no other reason than to make a tax deductible trip to Belize. ;)

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I prefer trading stocks and finally the market is back in a trading range again after the horror show of Oct.

Wondering about Forex and I know people who make a bundle trading currencies. But the stock market I think is more fun there's more information to juggle and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. The currency market seems to be just a numbers game to me.

what about Forex.com?
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D S #3.1415

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i have used acm and currently use forex.com, much better in my opinion than others i have tested, make sure u don't get in over your head, have had several acquaintances get over confident and take a major hit.
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[caveat] - If it looks too good to be true - often is.

I always say I'm not paranoid, I just think someone's out to get me :P

The risks are there, but I see the first priority as protecting the capital investment and the second priority as making money. That's why I shunned a high ($50,000)demo-account & started off playing with $2000 "funny money". It would seem that with small trades and by being conservative there is still a possibilty of making moey.

I'll stay wary though, thanks!
D.S # 125

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I've been playing with the software for about 2 weeks now. I'm not going to invest any real money until AT LEAST beginning of January, but starting with low equity I've shown a growth of 409%, even after losing all but my "capital" the second day.

The broker that introduced me to GCI couldn't understand how I got the results, until I showed him my trades - 170 trades in 5 days... $20 here and $100 adds up after a while. My biggest strategy thus far is being chicken. If my planning/prediction doesn't pan out within a 20% loss of initial investment, I take the knock and get the hell out.

I'll keep you posted :)

D.S # 125

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Stocks are more fun, returns are slower, but risks are 'less'. At least if stock prices drop, you only lose value, not your entire investment.

Unfortunately, after the past 2 years I've had, I don't have the capital to make stocks a viable option [:/]

edit: spelling

D.S # 125

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Thanks for the info, I'll have a llok at acm & forex.com.

Trading & skydiving are similar - the moment you lose respect for the danger, it's gonna bite you in the ass! I've learnt that lesson in skydiving, so hopefully I'll continue to keep it in mind when trading :)

D.S # 125

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OK, I've taken the plunge! :o

After playing with funny money in another demo account and showing 100% returns every weeks I've deposited $2150 into a live account about 18 hours ago, of which $62.65 was paid to Paypal as transaction costs [:/]

Live trading is a bit riskier, but with 2 small 'probes' into risking my own money, I managed to get up to $2314 shortly after my account was activated. Risking +-$2000 might not seem much, but believe me you still shit bricks if you can't afford the loss...

Here's hoping I manage to keep trading conservatively & actually get some returns in the long run! Any & all good vibes appreciated :)

D.S # 125

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Live trading is a bit riskier, but with 2 small 'probes' into risking my own money, I managed to get up to $2314 shortly after my account was activated. Risking +-$2000 might not seem much, but believe me you still shit bricks if you can't afford the loss...

If you can't afford the loss, you shouldn't be playing. It makes you make bad decisions...

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Maybe I should have added a 'really' in there...

It's not that I need the $2k desperately, but I dislike risking/losing money as a matter of principle. If I lose the 2 grand it interferes with my planning, which my sometimes OCD personality doesn't really like :P

D.S # 125

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