
The Douchebag in the Bar Diaries, Vol. I (Or: "Holy, f*ck! Did that guy just imitate Borat for the waitress??!?!")

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Yeah, he did! In fact, they BOTH did!!

I just came down to a streetside sports bar in Coconut Grove, Miami, FL because
1) I was impelled to get out of the house,
2) I had some internet bill-paying and this is the closest place with free Wi-Fi, and
3) -what the hell!- it's been a measure of time since I did any edifying anthropological research on the local homo-sapien fauna (at least during daylight hours).

So in 1,2,3,4,....(yeah, this is #5) beers, having sat within eavesdropping distance of a foul-mouthed, CUBAN no less, Hunter S. Thompson look-a-like who couldn't stay off his cell phone, and a doppelganger for the guy who chainsawed Tony Montana's friend Angel to pieces in Scarface, I'd thought my field research had reached it's educational zenith.

.....Then I heard the words...................did I....................yes.....I DID hear them.........more cowbell!!!!!
Two guys sitting to my immediate left -the apparent ringleader sporting a Raiders cap AND a Marlins t-shirt, so I know he's an alpha male despite his Jimmy Fallon pre-South Beach Diet-esque appearance, and his SIDEBURNED sideman- were answering the 20-notmuch female server's inquiry: "Can I get you guys something else?" with the the phrase: "We need more cowbell."

That was nearly two hours ago. Since then, the two have repeated their holy phrase more than 30 times, they have engaged two other staff members in the search for ultimate meaning in their cryptic phrase, the have urged their server to return to the kitchen and ask the chef for "more cowbell."
And, in the most endearing expression of their budding linguistic skills, they have taken to uttering a chorus of: "more cowbell" whenever a waitress moves through their domain stirring their masculine urges.

Now they.....Oh my Lord! They HAVE! They've just begun imitating Borat!! Dear, God, I wish I had a camera!! This is far too much for a simple scholar like me to assimilate! I think I'll build a duck blind and observe them for the remainder of the evening.

Must run. One of them just began quoting Quagmire from The Family Guy!!!:$

(Yeah, like I said, I've had a few. But FFFFFFFFFF*********CCCCCKKKKK!!!!)
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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I know you said you're doing research but did you ask them what's with the cowbell quotes?

MAYBE, They have some inside joke going on that might be fucking hysterical.

Fact is ALL DRUNK PEOPLE ARE ANNOYING TO A FLAW...Unless you happen to be with that group.

When you are having fun and goofing around with friends there is sure to be someone on the outskirts of your group listening and thinking you are stupid.

I'm not saying you should join a conversation with those you find annoying but if you weren't sitting by yourself getting drunk at a bar eavesdropping on other conversations you may be having enough fun to let someone else think you're annoying.

New research project:
You get to be part of it. Find someone who you don't find annoying and start talking to them. The cool thing is that you won't realize how annoying the rest of the people are if you are actively engaged with someone.
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I know the SNL skit.

I am sure its annoying to hear a bunch of times.

What i find silly is that, under the guise of research, rasta went to a bar by himself to point out the absurdity of drunk people. The thought of that in itself is absurd

I like rasta and I am not trying to provoke an arguement but surely he has better things to do than, go to a bar for research and post on DZ.com.

Disclamier: right now I have nothing better to do so I am posting here. But I have never felt the urge to post from a public place other than the perris bomb shelter.
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sounds to me like somebody might be a bit condescending.........

Well, DUH! But the moment was still painfully funny and demanded notation.

[PS: After I logged off, one of the guys asked the server if she could "smell what The Rock was cookin'".]:ph34r: I mean, come on! It was like being an extra in a Steve Carrell restaurant scene from The Office!

As for sitting in bars eavesdropping on people, it's a natural result of the close quarters and not being involved in your own conversation at the time. Plus, in this town it's obviously entertaining as hell and I LOVE it! :ph34r:
FYI: I was only alone in this case because I had just come from Starbucks where I was working on my novel.

As for YOU Mr. Jello Man, "Belligerent Robby"'s server had an autistic son who was using Yoga to help with his behavior issues, and after a lovely conversation, she threw me a 10% discount. So mmmlllehhhh....:P
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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