
Math question

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I have never been to good at math and was just wondering the odds or probability of this situation:

A jumper with about 100 jumps since the first of the year.

That same jumper sitting next to a jumper who would become a fatality on that jump. Then have it happen again on another jump, all since the first of the year.

Thanks, John

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If this really happened to you, I'm sorry you had to go through that. On the other hand, you should be more worried about learning from their mistakes than coming here and talking about the odds of that happening to you. I could give a rat's ass about that. These people died.

Then again, it may not have happened. In which case I would have to say I don't know. I don't feel like pulling out the old statistics notes. (Hated that class.)

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This did happen to me and I am not in any way trying to make light of the situation, It fucking sucks like you will hopefully never have to know. Please don't presume to think I have not gone over every detail of those jumps a million times in my mind to see what could have been done different or how it could of been me. I am not a superstitious person and was just wondering the odds.

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your question is a bit unclear, very crude stats based on your numbers are one death in every 88000 jumps, which gives the probability of .0000114% on a single jump.

Naturally, the chances of you being next to such jumper on a single jump are even smaller.

Of course, going with the skydiving tradition, your real chances are 50%. You either will be next to such a person, or you won't.

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