
Manufacturer's recommended wingloading, on the low end

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So what exactly does it mean when a manufacturer recommends a wingloading? Not all do but the crossfire 2 recommends a wl of 1.4 and up. If I load it under that at around 1.34 to 1.38 does that really affect the flight? Would I be better off waiting till I'm ready to load it up more or would the effect really matter? Any one with experience underloading a canopy and then downsizing to within the recommended?

(And yes I did email Icarus, just waiting to hear back from them. ;) )

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Why would you want to "underload" a Xfire2 anyway? It's a high(er) performance wing and you're not going to get anything special out of it unless you load it up a little, hence the manufacturers recommendation. It defeats the object really. Why not a Pilot/Safire2/Sabre2 at that W/L?

More docile canopies have a lower minimum W/L which relates to when the canopy has unfavorable characteristics like the ones already mentioned (mushy controls, openings etc)
BASE #1182
Muff #3573
PFI #52; UK WSI #13

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I've been jumping Sabre2 for the last 500 or so jumps. I'm getting something in the 120 size soon and have been trying different canopies like the impulse and stilleto. I really like how much more responsive an elliptical is and a crossfire seems a good choice.

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It's not a huge difference. 0.06 under that isn't a huge difference either. Or 0.02 isn't a huge difference. But when you add them up, it's 1,4 which is a huge difference. The point I am trying to make: Icarus recommends 1.4, not 1.35, so why deviate? BTW, like already mentioned, if you don't want to fly higher WL (which is a good thing), you should probably look at other canopies, better suited for safer flight.
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It's very hard to recommend a canopy without knowing your skills or knowing what you are looking for in a canopy. You are saying you want an "elliptical". This term is very confusing and maybe a bit old fashioned. The first canopy which wasn't rectangular (the French BT canopy line) was called elliptical, today's standard would call it a tapered wing.

You must ask yourself, what do you want from a canopy? And do you need to get another canopy to achieve this?

If you know what you want from a canopy, then you can look into canopies which provide these qualities for you. But always remember to incorperate your abilities to fly a certain canopy or certain wingload. Though I suspect this won't be a problem, since you seem to be careful with your wingload.
The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

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