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The part showing their aging together wouldn't do much for the kiddie viewers, but it sure brough a lump to my throat..

Dunno..my 14yo daughter was raving about it before I saw it. She said, "it starts out sad" so she got it.
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The part showing their aging together wouldn't do much for the kiddie viewers, but it sure brough a lump to my throat..

Who said that animated films were made for kiddies?

Most Pixar stories are pretty sophisticated in their underlying themes.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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The part showing their aging together wouldn't do much for the kiddie viewers, but it sure brough a lump to my throat..

Who said that animated films were made for kiddies?

Most Pixar stories are pretty sophisticated in their underlying themes.

I agree wholeheartedly, but the target market remains younger viewers whilst us 'adults' sometimes hesitate to admit we enjoy them just as much ;)
D.S # 125

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The part showing their aging together wouldn't do much for the kiddie viewers, but it sure brough a lump to my throat..

Who said that animated films were made for kiddies?
Most Pixar stories are pretty sophisticated in their underlying themes.

I agree wholeheartedly, but the target market remains younger viewers whilst us 'adults' sometimes hesitate to admit we enjoy them just as much ;)

Actually, that's not the case at all. Pixar doesn't make films for kids at all. They make generic "four corner" films that appeal to male and female, young and old. Disney marketing knows that they can influence younger audiences via their vast media empire and they do with machine like precision, but the stories are specifically designed so that the widest possible audience will enjoy them.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Agreed. It's no accident that this 50yo and his 14yo daughter both enjoyed it. If anyone knows how to market it's Disney.

Pixar is now owned by Disney...but nothing Pixar did in the past was Disney if you know what I mean.

I love all the Pixar movies. Fantastic storytellers.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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Pixar doesn't make films for kids at all. They make generic "four corner" films that appeal to male and female, young and old. Disney marketing knows that they can influence younger audiences via their vast media empire and they do with machine like precision, but the stories are specifically designed so that the widest possible audience will enjoy them.

That almost sounds like a recipe for blandness, but they've shown repeatedly that a good story line, creative comedy, and good direction can yield a treasure of a movie. Up, Toy Store, and their brethren stand head and shoulders above so much of the mediocre crap that gets churned out by the Hollywood machine. Scatological humor and cheap sex jokes will never make up for a weak script and poor direction.

"Up" was the first show we've bought in BluRay. I don't have a big screen or bluray player yet, but when I do . . .:)

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That almost sounds like a recipe for blandness, but they've shown repeatedly that a good story line, creative comedy, and good direction can yield a treasure of a movie. Up, Toy Store, and their brethren stand head and shoulders above so much of the mediocre crap that gets churned out by the Hollywood machine. Scatological humor and cheap sex jokes will never make up for a weak script and poor direction.

And you'll notice how specifically targeted those movies become because of it.

If you start out with the idea that the entire story will have universal appeal, then you have to come up with a story a wide range of people can relate to as well.


"Up" was the first show we've bought in BluRay. I don't have a big screen or bluray player yet, but when I do . . .

Hopefully you bought the Blu-ray Combo Pack so you can enjoy the DVD version for now.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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