
One of the greatest rock bands of all time . . .

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Glam rock pussies,

Metallica have ruled metal while motlie crue were frantically wasting hairspray on really bad hair styles.
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I was blessed to see Metallica in their early days.

But unfortunately I also saw them in their strung-out days. (The source of "Master of Puppets," I suppose.)

But you're right. They did sort of kick Motley Crue's ass. I liked 'em both though.

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Another thread got me thinking.
I know that Motley Crue seem a bit whatever right now, but they were once really, really fucking hot.

What's your favorite Crue song?

This is why you shouldnt post drunk. Or were you "coerced" to post this?:P

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Led Zeppelin started Metal Music before Metal Music was a catagory. Jimmy Paige use a violin bow on his double necked guitar.
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done.
Louis D Brandeis

Where are we going and why are we in this basket?

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Look - they weren't the "best" band. I would not count them as "the greatest.". But I count them as "great."

Following reasons:
They were founding fathers of 80's metal. They helped turn metal into "Bring your Girlfriends" music.

They decided to take metal and add elements of Alice Cooper and KISS - put on a show.

They were astute businessmen. Nicky Sixx saw the vlue of parental advisories in increasing record sales.

Mick Mars is, I think, underrated as a guitarist. While Sixx and Lee provided great rhythm section, Mars did some things that I found pretty neat. Slide guitar? Yep.

It was a band that took things a step further. The greatest band? No. But nobody was better at doing what they did.
And many tried to do it.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Alice Cooper??? Probably THE greatest artist of all time.

OK, maybe not. There were the Beatles, and Led Zeppelin.

And KISS? I guess I just didn't get them.

But Motley Crue, dude, they ROCKED the leather. So yeah, I guess you're right about the "bring your girlfriend" music. I regretted turning down a date to one of their concerts (the "Shout at the Devil" tour).

The funny thing is that I had a ticket and backstage pass shortly thereafter to an Alice Cooper concert with Guns and Roses opening, but they had to cancel because they didin't sell enough tickets. (No one knew who GNR were at that time, and Alice apparently wasn't popular enough.)

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