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No idea of what you're talking about.:S

However pour me one of what your having. :D

“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes (Polish writer, poet and satirist 1906-1966)

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Proud to say our city has a team, the Seattle Mist, although I didn't know that until I saw the Wiki photo. Kind of like beach volleyball with full contact. :)
Skybastard, you crack me up.:D

I once heard an overseas Rugby player remark that
Rugby is not as brutal as American football because
they don't use all the body armor.

The rules of football are built with the idea that the
pads will protect your from a 350lb lineman.

Anyway, a co-worker and I were discussing her friend
who is on the Tampa team. She was injured during a
game and now just does public appearances.
(They also do not get medical coverage for players)

It is not like making 300K in the NFL. She is doing it
for media exposure to help her get modeling gigs.
(Mainly she has been doing fitness stuff for catalogs
and wants to move on)

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It looks to me like they're pretty serious about it! My wife is the football fan in my house, I commented to her that it seems with all the video technology, they don't "waste" much time showing the cheerleaders anymore. Maybe LFL is the compromise?

Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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