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Try the Philippines. I lived there for a couple years awhile back. Had a couple little jigglers in Manila that made the pool dance. Spent most of my time there in Baguio city up in the mountains. Got small ones quite regularly, a couple that knocked stuff over and after getting annoyed with them, caused me to bungee my speakers to the wall.

We had a swarm of them once, little ones. Slowly increasing frequency, more and more often. Felt like it was building up to something big. When it finally happened it was weird... no prolonged shaking, just a single big SNAP. Everything in the universe suddenly moved 5 feet to the left and that was all.

It would have been almost disappointing, except the entire time I was there, all I had to do was look across the valley to see evidence of how strong they could get, there... there was the ruin of a major hotel, huge building, slowly crumbling, abandoned before it was finished cause it got totalled in the 1990 quake that wrecked half the city. 2 years later there were still jagged concrete ruins everywhere downtown and buildings with twisted rebar sticking out the sides into vacant lots where the other half of the building fell down. You could tell a lot of these buildings had once been twice the size if you looked at the side, you'd see concrete and paint outlines from the missing floors, interior walls that had become exterior walls complete with the original paintjobs from the individual rooms. They'd just chisel off most of the missing floors but occasionally miss a spot so you'd see random ledges sticking out of otherwise plain walls, and doors opening to nowhere.
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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5.7 this morning in SoCal? That's all I know. How was it?

It was a kewl one! we heard it coming, I had enough time to say, hear comes anther one, then it rolled threw for a few seconds!

My poor retired naighbor, (in her 80's) called here just so she could hear another humans voice, it scared her so bad!

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