
How often do you buy a new helmet?

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I've been in the sport for two years and have had my freefly helmet for a little less time than that. With proper care i think they should last a long time. Mine has its own gear bag and lives in there to avoid getting scuffed. The next helmet i buy is a camera helmet.

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My motorcycle helmets are on a 2-3 year cycle. When I see the latest of the Shoei RF200/700/800/900 series on sale, it's time to buy and make the old one a secondary for hard duty use. Sunlight and the daily knocks take a toll on it.

If your skydiving helmet is only there to protect you from the door dings, it will last a long long time. But if you intend for it to do more, the lifespan is far shorter.

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My motorcycle helmets are on a 2-3 year cycle. When I see the latest of the Shoei RF200/700/800/900 series on sale, it's time to buy and make the old one a secondary for hard duty use. Sunlight and the daily knocks take a toll on it.

If your skydiving helmet is only there to protect you from the door dings, it will last a long long time. But if you intend for it to do more, the lifespan is far shorter.

It should be noted that motorcycle and skdiving helmets work differently and Motorcycle helmets (at least in the UK) come with a manufacturers lifespan which is 3 years for most, but 5 for my Arai for some reason.
On motorbike lids, they have a shell, the same as on the skydiving helmets, but the key part is the "filling" which is designed to give way in the event of an impact, slowing the deceleration and therefore reduce the damage. (hence why they are more bulky and expensive) A skydiving lid is pretty much just the shell to ward against feet, doors, other sharp bits and some padding to make it comfy. I wouldn't like to put it to the test in an impact with the ground.... :S Impact protection is marginal at best
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unless my Oxygn cracks in 2 or falls off my head in freefall, I don't see getting a new one. Same with my original TimeOut - the thing just won't stop working!

of course some people just need to have the latest and greatest. I'd rather spend the cash on jumps.


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I voted 3 years, but that is just because when I buy an open helmet for hop and pops/funjumps/instructor jumps after nationals this year (yes I plan ahead when it comes to investments) - then its going to be 3 years since I last time purchased a helmet, my fullface for FS.
I don't expect my helmets to wear out over a 3 year periods by any means. I don't plan to take up landing on my head.

And yes, a fullface for FS gives you two advantages. No wait, three!

1: Full face protection from your teammates knees
2: Calm / quiet no wind effects, good for concentration
and 3: Cover if you one day find yourself going through frozen water particles in the sky (not implying you jump through clouds, but shit happens):S

Edit spelling

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