
Wing loading? could you help explain

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Enough with the negative emails, I promise.
Here is a typical question of a whuffo, but I have heard the term thrown around and would just like someone to clarify it for me. I understand the obvious...that is how much each wing is weighed down by, but could you explain the number system and tell me what I should be looking for.
cheers for this. May as well kill time while the rain is coming down.

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Wing loading is the relationship between exit weight and canopy size.. A jumper on a 150sqft canopy, with a 150lb exit weight, is loading the canopy at a ratio of 1:1.. A jumper on a 150sqft canopy, with a 225lb exit weight, is loading the canopy at 1.5:1.. 1.5 pounds for every square foot..
What should you be looking for? Well, depends on your experience, ability, type of canopy, etc.. Normally, it's recommended that novice jumpers not exceed 1:1 - meaning your exit weight should be lower than the square footage of the canopy.. The more experience, the heavier you may be able to safely load a canopy.. Talk to your JM's about this - they know your canopy skills, I don't..

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Hi there,
Just to expand on the wing loading thing:
0.5 - 0.7 lbs/ft2 = docile handling & suitable for students.
0.7 - 1.0 lbs/ft2 = more responsive & suitable for newly qualified.
1.0 - 1.2lbs/ft2 = sharp handling - generally this is the point where the mainstream manufacturers have designed the canopy to fly and have tested it.
1.2 - 1.4 lbs/ft2 = very responsive & the canopy will fly you into the ground & seriously hurt you if you allow it!
1.4+ lbs/ft2 = this canopy will kill you if you're not competent at these wing loadings!
ALso, above 1.4lbs/ft2 what were nuisance factors like line twists cease to be a nuisance and can become a malfunction with the canopy spinning so fast (& losing height) that you can't clear them so you have to chop!
Hope this helps,
Mike D10270.

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And when you're over 2.0lb/sqft...well, that shit is just outrageous.. I love watching those guys, though.. The ones that exit at 200lbs and are under an Icarus Extreme 79-89.. It's amazing the kind of speed they generate.. Unfortunately, under those canopies, if you misjudge in the slightest, you're dead..
I still want to see Luigi on that VX46.. That's gotta be a hell of a sight..

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I still want to see Luigi on that VX46.. That's gotta be a hell of a sight..

It is! Watched him fly it on every round of the ProBlade competition during Nationals. Insane amount of speed. I still wonder how he gets his pants on over those balls....
pull and flare,

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