
Dogs at the DZ

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Hate it...especially when packing tandems, running stows to have to pull out & start again after a student's or spectator's unattended dog runs through the lines, or claws tromp over a canopy, then peeing on it >:(

Hate it...especially when fellow jumpers, the pilot or other Staff feel they have built in dog sitters :S

Hate it...especially poo on the dz grounds & landing area, tracked into the packing floor [:/]

Hate it...especially when an over amped,suffering from seperation anxiety howls & screams while the owner is in ground school or on a jump :|

DZ Etiquette...same as kids...leave them home B|

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I always keep a puppy in my gear bag just for kicks. i love dogs, i think everyone should bring their dog, and their friends dogs, and their families dogs.. and they should let them roam free at the dz. We could get rid of mats and such to lay on the canopies and just lay dogs on them. Raise your hand if you're with me!

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We have a dog friendly DZ. I have a Dachshund Beagle mix so he's not exactly Cujo. He comes with me. Doesn't need a sitter either. Thing is, people WANT to take care of mine cuz he's little.

We do watch out for each others pets but it's just what happens, not something that's a big deal for us.

I'm sure that not all the people at the dz agree about the dog policy but it's working out. Any dog that is rambunctious, is not allowed to roam. The others seem to do just fine.
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I have a Dachshund Beagle mix so he's not exactly Cujo

My last dog was a Dachshund/who-knows-what mix. His nickname was Cujo, and not without reason :ph34r:. Fearful and territorial isn't a real good combination in a dog.

But he never went to the DZ.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Did I mention how low her activity level is??? She really limits her movements to those that are only extremely necessary. But, I can understand and respect those that would prefer not to have them at the DZ. Not all dogs are well behaved, 99.9999% of all other dogs probably are alot more active then my Roxy.:)

No matter how slowly you say oranges it never sounds like gullible.
Believe me I tried.

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I worked for PD for a little while inspecting the loaner canopies when they came back in. There was one Sabre 150 that a cat had pissed on. Inspecting that thing must have been punishment for being a very bad person in a previous life. After severel trips in and out Rags finally sugested to wash it in Downy detergent. It worked.

Joe Morgan had a method for dealing with dogs shitting on the DZ. He said, "If you rub the owners nose in the dog shit, the dog will never shit there again."
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done.
Louis D Brandeis

Where are we going and why are we in this basket?

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There's a guy at my DZ in which everyone knows his dog. He actually made (or had one made) a custom harness that he jumped with the dog. If anyone asks I'll post a pic, I just don't wanna right away since it's not of me.

hhhmmm How big does the harness go?
My Roxy weighs about 70 pounds? lol lol:P
No matter how slowly you say oranges it never sounds like gullible.
Believe me I tried.

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