
Male sex drive?

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Thich Nhat Hahn


Actually it's "Thich Nhat Hanh"

He is an amazing man! He teaches many things:

Do not mistreat your body. Learn to handle it with respect. Do not look on your body as only and instrument. Preserve vital energies (sexual, breath, spirit) for the realization of the Way. Sexual expression should not happen without love and commitment. In sexual relationships be aware of future suffering that may be caused. To preserve the happiness of others, respect the rights and commitments of others. Be fully aware of the responsibility of bringing new lives into the world. Meditate on the world into which you are bringing new beings.

His philosophy is not limited to preexistent religious structures, but speaks to the individual's desire for wholeness and inner calm.

Thanks for the name correction. I thought it looked a bit off.

He is an amazing man isn't he? Just listening to him speak puts your body and mind in a sort of calmness.
He was in California last month but I didn't get to see him. I'm hoping he comes again next year.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Yes, he is. I got to see him along with so many other people. I'm Buddhist.......I get to hear him speak in vietnamese and it's so intense to listen to him.

When he speaks....all you have to do is close your eyes and you can actually feel that there are no ones' around you.
"Love is doing small things with great love."

Lacrosse: Legally beating men with sticks since 1492

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What are the chances that a thread about sex would be hijacked by buddhism?

I think it's a really good hijack. Even printed out GFD's quote, we both really liked that.

It's been a good thread, buddhism and all, got both of us talking more and seeing things from different angles. You guys are great, slightly nuts of course, but great.

Oh, he's definitely not gay, I asked :P

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What are the chances that a thread about sex would be hijacked by buddhism?

I think it's a really good hijack. Even printed out GFD's quote, we both really liked that.

It's been a good thread, buddhism and all, got both of us talking more and seeing things from different angles. You guys are great, slightly nuts of course, but great.

Oh, he's definitely not gay, I asked :P

So is he gonna help you with your needs?

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ok, I know I am a little late on this one, but......

Hold out on the nagging and constant questions
(When are we going to have sex? Honey why don't you feel like it? Is it me? why can't we talk about it?)
All of this takes all the mystery out of it and makes it a girl issue.

My mom has always said that the men are hunters and they need to chase. As soon as they stop chasing, they lose interest.

Apart from regular vitamins (of some can be some natural remedies for libido) you need to become sensual and sexy. All the time, not just when you want to get laid.

Walking around semi naked and not expecting anything, almost teasing, is cool.

Have a look at the food you are both eating and search the web for sex food. Oysters have already been mentioned, but they can do nothing (I know I am single) or they can be mindblowing with a partner (If you both have the same expectations on sex that night)

But there are lots of foods that are passion killers (Cut out the junk food)

Don't make it obvious that you are looking to get laid, but you do want that animal instinct to come out and bite you on your ass (literally)

I have posted on threads about the male sex drive and the options men have to woo their women, but this has the opposite effect on men if you turn it around. By making their lives comfortable, they get lazy and feel like they are at home with mom. And you DON'T want to be seen as their mother. Not many men want to shag their mother.

I found that the time that I decided to get on with my life, I became more attractive to men. Strong willed and independent, not naggy and wussy.

Be strong, be yourself, wear sexy underwear, eat lots of sex food and both pop some vitamins (And a few extra for him) every day.
:), this is a long term process and should not be abandoned after a week.....


I think true friendship is under-rated

Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

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There definitely isn't nagging/pleading/whining, etc on my part. I'll bring it up every once in a while (once every few weeks) and I know it isn't me, so that doesn't come up either.

There's lots of naked around here. I can't remember the last time I showered alone in the evenings, we sleep naked every night.

I'm sure he'll be willing to try the vitamin thing. We don't do much by way of junk food since I'm still working on losing a little more weight. Everything is cooked from scratch, and he usually does it since he's home before me every night (one more way he really does take good care of me)

He definitely agreed that he's gotten complacent and has been taking me for granted, that really was a good thing for him to actually notice for himself.

We're both in this for the long term, there's absolutely no chance of any form of abandonment. He has agreed it's a problem, he will probably bring it up to a doctor in the near future. I'll look up the sex foods online (gag on oysters!!)

I will make him do a little more chasing, and he has agreed to pay attention to the fact that he's married to an incredible woman. And he did pay plenty of attention to that last night ;);)

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...he will probably bring it up to a doctor in the near future.

He needs to do that right away.

Some conditions affect more than just the sex drive. If this is a physical problem, he needs to get it checked out soonest.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Sounds like you two are off to a great start to get this problem solved. Now the follow through. Thearpy is a great tool even in a awesome marriage. We are all humans and subject to making mistakes. If we are aware of them, and make them known to the people who matter, you can get through it. Good job.

I would say let us know how it goes, but your marriage is just that , your marriage, think of each other first and then others. Theres very few people I expose to the negative type issues when I am in a relationship (disclaimer.... not ness talking about current SO, just SOs in general) remember there are two sides to every story, and generally there is a reason behind things like your going through now.

Continue to be best friends

Continue to get laid often

Continue to walk around nekkid

jeesh I feel so deep :ph34r:
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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I'll look up the sex foods online (gag on oysters!!)

Darling, darling, darling, I will have to teach you the art of eating oysters.
The best I have had are the cultivated oysters from Knysna on the SA East Cape Coast.
I had a friend teach me and I have never looked back!

Wild oysters are very rough and salty and wild tasting, so cultivated are the way to go:

So Loosen the oyster from the shell, lots of fresh lemon juice, 2 drops of tabasco, a half a grind of black pepper and then you are ready!

Remember to chew! Many people swallow whole and it is like a slime ball. You must chew. Yummy!!

Yay for last night, well done!


I think true friendship is under-rated

Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

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I'll look up the sex foods online (gag on oysters!!)

Darling, darling, darling, I will have to teach you the art of eating oysters.

I'm very fond of oysters, although I prefer "angels on horseback" (oysters wrapped in bacon and broiled) or oyster stew.

The reason oysters are considered an aphrodisiac is that they contain a lot of zinc, a mineral that men need for the production of testosterone, seminal fluid and sperm. Zinc deficiency is one of the leading causes of erectile dysfunction.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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There is more to pleasing a spouse or SO than just sex

You better know how to cook and clean!


it was a duty as a wife to provide my husband with these needs

Right on! Good woman!


it is love and respect for each other

Get back in the kitchen and cook me a pot pie! No more talking until after the game's over!


I felt like a dirty cheap whore afterwards!

Heh, heh, man - I wish I could have been there with a video camera, that must have been some great sex!!!


ps- visual of Jeff hauling ass away from the bonfire with mob of women chasing him! :D
Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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List for things to buy before the next 29 days


I will definitely drug him with zinc ;) Will also try the oyster thing.

I also never discuss anything not perfect about our relationship (which is why the anonymous post). None of our friends know what is going on. Fortunately, we very rarely have any issues at all, so really nothing negative to tell anyway.

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Hmm, hadn't considered the DM end of it. He has had bloodwork for a normal physical and everything was fine, but will make sure an HbA1c/FBS was done.

He blew my mind yesterday actually being willing to talk to a doc. We had a really good conversation last night about all of this. We are always open with each other (we're horrible at hiding anything from each other, we read each other well), but this thread gave us some different angles to look at that we hadn't considered.

I may even try having us both choke down an oyster. We both don't like them, but we're also open to giving just about anything a whirl.

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