
Best line in a crisis.

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So Friday evening was "interesting" .
I was rolled into the ER about 9:30PM and put in a room and the nurse writes on the whiteboard that I will be seen by Dr Einstein in just a few moments. I looked at the techs and the nurse and told them I need a doctor not a physicist. Hey it made me laugh and the pain went away for at least a few moments.

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You ok?

Something new or same stuff cropping up again?

Tooth extraction and infection... led to kidney infected and swelling up releasing a kidney stone.. barely got to the ER.
Then they gave me Demerol.. seconds later I was shivering far worse than I did when I went into the Bering Sea. Every muscle was shaking and cramping so bad that they were locking up.. Guess what the heart is.[:/]

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Oh I should add the bad choice of meds was on the second night... 2 am.. and they did it twice.... ASSHOLES
They have me on 3 different antibiotics and I think I have half the damn pharmacy that I was sent home with
AND as a geologist... I built my own ROCK and the fuckers would not even let me keep it.

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Years ago I was out Of town partying pretty hard with a mate when I fell down and cut myself really badly. We were down town in a big city so the blind drunk, blood leaking punk attracted a lot of attention.
The police and ambulance showed up to take me to get repaired.
While I was being loaded into the ambulance my buddy asked if I wanted him to come along.
My response was " hell no! We came here to party and pick up chicks! Now that I'm out of the game you'll have to party twice as hard and pick up 2 girls!"

All the uniforms had a pretty good laugh.

When I got back to the hotel after spending most of the night a morning in the ER I found my mate passed out naked and face down on the floor lythe hotel room. I think he had a fun night.
Have you seen my pants?
it"s a rough life, Livin' the dream

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Old is a bitch.i took a ambulance ride to the local hospital, on thursday fired my Dr the second time I saw him fri:|

Dr dude didn't understand who was in charge. And showed up again the next sat AM. Maybe the Dr Dude was deaf as soon as he stuck his beak in my room the whole ward could here me tell the Dr Dude I fired him yesterday. And to get the hell out of my room.

There was a bright spot during my stay had 4 excellent meals, would call the kitchen after every meal and compliment them for excellent food, and service.:)
Never found out why the X dr wanted to keep me for 4 days, or why he changed my DNR to do whatever it takes even if I'm a vegie or head.


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So Friday evening was "interesting" .
I was rolled into the ER about 9:30PM and put in a room and the nurse writes on the whiteboard that I will be seen by Dr Einstein in just a few moments. I looked at the techs and the nurse and told them I need a doctor not a physicist. Hey it made me laugh and the pain went away for at least a few moments.

Reminds me of a really good French film I saw recently with a really terrible bit of subtitle translation. An adventurer was looking for an Egyptian mummy that she thinks was Rameses IIs doctor so she can wake him up and ask him to cure her sister. When she finally manages to get him to Paris and bring him back from the dead she asks "Are you Rameses' doctor?" and he replies "No, I'm a nuclear physicist..." I was like, WTF???

I went back and listened again and in French they hadn't been saying 'doctor', they'd been saying 'physician' all along. They'd been setting up that joke for half the damn film!>:(:D
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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