
The Imitation Game

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How many people here study history? Do you know that the BOE, FED, BIS, Churchill and FDR conspiried to start WW2. And Lets not forget Granddaddy Bush and IBM and many others loving the killing for profit. History is written by the victors. Do a little research.


Do you know who the British Prime Minister was at the start of WW2?

NC. Another political POS.

So from what position was Churchill conspiring to start the war?You really have to do some serious online research. I ain't doing it for you.

So you're making it up. OK, thanks for admitting it.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Pretty good. Don't know how factual tho. How many people here study history? Do you know that the BOE, FED, BIS, Churchill and FDR conspiried to start WW2. And Lets not forget Granddaddy Bush and IBM and many others loving the killing for profit. History is written by the victors. Do a little research.

It was well made and well acted but played fast and loose with the facts.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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***It was well made and well acted but played fast and loose with the facts.

I've read a book or two on the subject as well, but didn't pick up any vibe of conflict between the people building the computer and their managers. Was the "Hollywooded" up a bit?

I suspect so. The grandchildren of Alastair Denniston, played by Charles Dance, have complained about his portrayal. The film makers subsequently tried to backpedal, calling him one of the great heroes of Bletchley Park, but I think that's disingenuous - they certainly didn't write his character that way for the movie.

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*********Watched Lucy last nite.

If you enjoyed "Lucy" I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, but I thought it was the stupidest science fiction film I'd seen in a very, very long time.

When I looked at the trailer and saw who was in it, I thought it had some promise. However, five minutes in it became clear it would be a crap fest.

+1. Except the bit about the trailer - to me it looked like a crap fest from the start. I watched it anyway - sometimes crap fests have entertainment value because they are so bad... But no... Lucy was just crap. IMO.Suckin up to Quade are you?

Agreeing with most of Quade's comment does not constitute "sucking up" in my books... It just means I agree with most of what he said :P
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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