
What containers max out at 135?

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Hey kids,
I'm going to buy a new container, one that actully fits me. I fly a spectre 135 now but am about to switch back to a 9 cell 135. I have about 400 jumps and want to know what containers will max out at a 135 and go smaller should I ever choose. I'm not partial to one particular manufacturer so any help would be great! Also, is it cheaper to order through a gear dealer or by myself on the internet?

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Hey kids,
I'm going to buy a new container, one that actully fits me. I fly a spectre 135 now but am about to switch back to a 9 cell 135. I have about 400 jumps and want to know what containers will max out at a 135 and go smaller should I ever choose. I'm not partial to one particular manufacturer so any help would be great! Also, is it cheaper to order through a gear dealer or by myself on the internet?

I currently own a Javelin TJN and this container really fits lots of diff sized canopies. I just ordered a Voodoo (cooler, imo:p), and as I understand it, they don't downsize nearly as well. But, I don't plan on signifigant downsizing for a long while now. If you plan to downsize a lot and want to keep the same container, the Javelin might be a consideration. Maybe that's what you were asking? If you're just looking for what containers fit what sized canopies, most mfgs list that on their websites.

Ordering from dealers will get you a discount, check around, they all have different deals.


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"If you plan to downsize and want to keep the same container, the Javelin might be a consideration"

Yeah, that was pretty much what I was asking... but in a really poor way. Thanks for writing it better! and thanks for the Javelin vote.

If that was what you were asking, then I'd have to throw my vote out for a Wings. Mine was originally made for a 150-170 main, and I have downsized to a Xaos-21 108, and a Crossfire 2 129 with no problems at all. My main flap (and all others) stay secure 100% of the time. I'm picky about my gear, if I thought there was any problem with the combo, I would get a new rig. As it stands now I could probably downsize another size or two and the rig would still work well, and not give me any problems.

Hook high, flare on time

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Did you have to sew a pad in the bottom of the main tray to take up any of the extra room or make any other modifications to downsize to the 108?

The only mod I had to make was to shorten the main closing loop a little, though keep in mind the 108 was crossbraced so it packs up a bit larger. (probably close to a 120 I would guess)

Hook high, flare on time

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