
Any experience with Online Stock Brokers???

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I've used eTrade and CapitalOne360 (started using it when it was ING Direct). Both are pretty easy. I don't actively trade on eTrade at the moment, but have an IRA there that continues to grow with existing investments.

CapitalOne360 had an automatic investing plan that met my needs - $12/month for up to 12 trades; I set it up to withdraw a certain amount every month and invest it in the funds (mostly) and individual stocks that I choose in the proportions that I choose. Can change the amount or investment mix at any time, and it allows me to grow my portfolio through dollar cost averaging with very little active trading on my part. (Unfortunately I believe they've eliminated that particular automatic investment plan for new investors, though I've been grandfathered in on it). Easy to use, and it works for what I want.

I suspect the "right" choice for you may depend on what you want to do - active trading or more passive investing, etc.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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More of passive investing. Looking to flip it within 3-5 years.

Didn't make ton of money with precious metals couple years back, but still made some $$$, much better return then having the money just sit in the bank.

Now that the precious metal market has tanked, I'm looking for investing in stocks, possibly energy/fuel sector. I was thinking, instead of getting all pissed off at the oil company making $$$, invest with them and make $$$ as the fuel price goes up.

Just poking around to see what's up. Never bought stocks before. Feels like venturing into gambling without going to Vegas...
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Here is a website that can help you with comparison between brokerage firms.


Also, if you get a chance, dont forget to review my candidate bio and additional postings:



Jean-Paul Vega
National Director Candidate
i keep minimum information on my profile. email is my communication preference.

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