
Cordura PC pouches

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My reflex has a BOC PC pouch made from cordura. It's extremely durable and much nicer looking than spandex IMO. Lot of times I see spandex pouches that are kinda loosing their tightness. I dont understand why other manufacurers do not do this.
Do Mirage/VSE/RWS/SR allow that as a (custom) option at all?


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The "non spandex" BOC pouches I've seen around don't look freefly friendly in my opinion.

The mouth is always open and you can see the pilot chute. I saw a brand new vector like this.

This is not the case with a properly maintained spandex pouch.

I almost told the guy with the new Vector to get his BOC replaced with spandex;)

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I have a Wings with a Cordura pouch and it works great. I see no negative effects as long as you pack the pc correctly. I pack my pc like Brian Germain suggests, to prevent a horseshoe mal from a premature opening of the container. My BOC works great in any orientation. Yet I oly have about 20 jumps on this rig.
I've also heard good things about Spandura, which is on all the new Sigma Tandem rigs.
I don't know from experience but I've heard many early cordura BOCs were designed poorly. It is a personal choice. Some rigs look better with Cordura and others look good with spandex.

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I like the idea of the entire pouch holding down on the PC, instead of just the mouth. The cordura pouches have to be looser/bigger since they don't stretch, and in my opinion look bulbous/pregnant.

Spandura seems like a great way to go. Best of both worlds.
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I routinely strongly recommend/require customers to replace their worn out spandex pouchs, but have never felt uncomfortable with my reflex pouch. It has never seemed less secure than the spandex pouches on my other rigs.
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Terry Urban

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