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I am a brand new student, just went through the AFF class last Saturday. I waited all day but the winds were to high, I came back Sunday but the winds were too high. I have done one static line about five years ago. I plan to have my A license by summers end if the winds coperate. I am learning at Skydive Dallas. I hope to have many years in this sport.

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You just experianced part off the frustration off being a student , at the end off the day its for your saftey dude. Relax and enjoy the time you have to go over your drills with your instructors or learn to pack. When you are in the door smile :)

Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun

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Welcome to skydiving. SD Dallas is a great DZ, lots of cool people...even if you are near Grason County.:D (I'm from that area, so I can make fun of it).

Motorcycles too, huh? What bike(s)?
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I have had other bikes but right now I enjoy my 2002 Honda Shadow. I took a ride last summer (alone) from Dallas to Denver then to St. Louis and back to Dallas. That was the best trip I've ever had.

You ride?
I should have been a kickass drummer and a world famous first base man.

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I am a brand new student, just went through the AFF class last Saturday. I waited all day but the winds were to high, I came back Sunday but the winds were too high.

As a suggestion, do not waste the time you spend on the ground. You can practice something useful as exit/body position, emergency procedures or parachute packing. When the weather is bad usually you have no problem asking your instructor or someone else experienced watching you while you practicing. From my own experience a good groung training will save you attempts (and therefore time and money) on your AFF.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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As a suggestion, do not waste the time you spend on the ground. You can practice something useful as exit/body position, emergency procedures or parachute packing.

Doing that without having had proper training and some oversite in your practice methods can create some bad habits/muscle memory that will take longer to fix by your instructors.

Not saying don't do it, just to learn it from your instructors first, then practice.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Very good advice and I have been practicing my exit and circle of awarness and 3 test pull and my wave and pull. I know the 3 s's and nusiances. I am eating sleeping and dreaming practice. I am a little scared of my first jump, not of the jump but that I might miss something. I think being a little scared is good and keeps me from being cocky.

I cannot practice packing just yet although i do get quite a bit of time to watch it. I was joking with some of the guys that I should train to be a tandem catcher so I can get some action on windy days.
I should have been a kickass drummer and a world famous first base man.

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You just experianced part off the frustration off being a student

He just experienced part of the frustration of being a skydiver! In many ways te sport is excatly like surfing, i remember sitting on the beach for days waiting for waves, now we sit on the ground and curse the sky when there's too much cloud or wind!

Welcome to the forums SkyOcean, good luck with your progression!

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What other sport has to deal with:

Somewhere in the middle of all that we get to sneak in an actual skydive.

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I waited all day but the winds were to high, I came back Sunday but the winds were too high.

Welcome to the rest of your life as a skydiver. :)

//wavy lines//
I once got into Skydive Dallas late one night with every intention of making the morning AFF brief. In the morning I could hear the wind blowing strongly against the hangar and decided to stay in bed. I heard the PA announcement for the early bird load. I heard the plane taxi up to the hangar and leave. About ten minutes later, I heard manifest on the PA announcing that they were shut down for a while, and if anybody had a car and wanted to help, nearly all the early bird load had landed out.
//wavy lines//


PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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What other sport has to deal with:

Somewhere in the middle of all that we get to sneak in an actual skydive.


Hee hee, try skydiving in the UK! :-)

Weather here has been pretty bad even for England recently, just rain, rain and more rain, then high winds, then more rain. Teach me to live on an island in the Atlantic. :-) When it does finally warm up though, there's nothing like an English summer. Looking forward to jumping loads soon. It's amazing anyone ever qualifies in England, the number of weekends I've written off playing pool, watching windsocks. :-)

When you get a good day though, it's awesome.

Good luck with your first jump. Sure it's real scary, but you didn't expect anything else did you? :-) Have fun.

G. :-)

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Welcome. I had a '02 Kawasaki Ninja ZX 6R, though a lot of people (non-riding folks) thought that bike was too much for me. Yes, the bike's past tense. Sold it to support my new hobby: Skydiving.

The way I see it, it's safer than riding. Enjoy your jump!
Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

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Welcome to the sky SKYOCEAN!
Be patient and you'll finish AFF course before you know it! I am novice just completed F course 2 weeks ago!

Also a rider myself B| I honestly think there's a connection between rider and skydiver... we have so many bikies in my home DZ and we've formed a group - Skybikers - couple jumps then go for a ride!

Because of this new hobby, now my planned 2nd bike's budget goes to jump tickets and equipment and rig... and my bike has been in the shop for repair, so I got to finish the F course in 1 month (no weekend riding)... these 2 hobbies are in love and hate situation with each other I think :D

keep jumping ... Chrissie
where women roar and men thunder

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Well, I finally got to jump today!!!
I got in 4 jumps and have my 5-6 and 7 scheduled for next saturday. I AM HOOKED!!!

I got the exits and freefalls down with no problems. It's hard to believe how much time you really have up there in freefall, but it's the landing today that were a problem. I fell on the first and nailed a perfect on target stand-up on number 2. After that the crosswinds were crazy and i fell and got dragged for the last two. Flaring to high, but quite a few pro's were having a time of it too.

I should have been a kickass drummer and a world famous first base man.

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