
thread tension on Consew 1126R

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I costantly adjust the tension and I just can't seem to get it right. On thicker materials I keep breaking the upper thred. On thinner stuff I do OK but i'm always having to make adjustments to keep the knot in the middle. Anyone have any experience with this? Its a walking foot industrial machine, 12 years old, used mostly in upolstery before I got it. Help!


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Upper thread breakage is caused by too much upper thread tension. Also, with heavier materials, you may not always get the stitch lock point in the 'middle'. Sometimes, you may only get that point just past the first layer. Try slacking-off on the upper tension a bit. Before starting any 'project', like a canopy patch or replacing trim-tape on a flap, get some scraps and check-out tension, stitch length, etc. before doing the actual project. That way, you can make any necessary adjustments without messing-up your 'real' work. When using the same sewing machine for light as well as heavy materials, making adjustments will be a constant. We all experience what you are going through when we first started or with a new machine. Hang in there, you'll get it. Just don't get in a hurry.


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If the machine is used, take out the throat plate and smooth out the needle hole with some emory floss. You can buy it from an industrial sewing machine supply house.

Many times if the hole in the throat plate is nicked from the needle striking it, it will catch the thread and break it.

If the throat plate is too far gone, order yourself a new one - it's worth the wait and the expense.
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I've got a 211-G-165 Singer, compound foot machine. Took me almost 2yrs. to get the cotton pickin' thing to work right. Once I got it figured out, I can't do without it. My favorite, is still, my 31-15 Singer. They can be wonderful or frustrate the %&$@* outta ya'! :S


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Hey, Sparky!
I have one of those! Great little machine. Pretty versatile. I've never used it for patching. Mostly for jumpsuit repairs and zig-zag stitching. I got it (used) for $75.00. I use my 31-15, for patching, making new container flaps, helmet bags, all kinds of things. When I have to sew several layers of Cordura, I use the 211-G. My problem with that one was, knotting-up at the bobbin. Once I realized that I couldn't let the wheel drop-back even the slightest, it was great! I use it for sewing fairly heavy leather, also. Chaps and chinks.


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You'll get it! Just have patience and make 'minor' adjustments till it sews the way you need it to. You'll probably go through a lot of scraps. Also, use the 'ugliest' (like OD green) color thread you have... save the 'good stuff for your real work.;) All the best to you.


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