
Scuba diver turned sky diver

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Hello ever one
Well just introducing me self. I live in monterey california and attend CSUMB and am a very avid scuba diver and still am, however for my birthday a few weeks back I got my AFF 1 from my parents in Taft CA and now I am addicted so now I will be an ever more broke college student as I now have 2 hobbies which require far to much money. But gota live while you can right? Well hope to be picking some of your brains in the coming weeks/months as I start to look for gear. HAVE fun till then!

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Welcome to dz.com! You'll find that there are a ton of fellow scuba divers here. Do a search and you'll find several threads about diving.

Actually, one of the coolest things about this site is that you can pretty much find several people in every imaginable occupation enjoying every imaginable passtime.
Killing threads since 2004.

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;)Hey.. I was wondering if you were going to show up on here. It was great to see you and your dad back out in Taft this weekend. Congratulations on your level 2.. You guys did awesome. Well have a wonderful holiday & hope to see you, your dad & mom again soon...

Skydive Taft:)

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Welcome. There are quite a few scuba addicts that also jump. After my first jump, a tandem, when I landed, I said on video "this might replace scuba". I'm still scuba diving, will do my 900th dive in Coz next month, but skydiving is awesome, and I seemyself devoting much more of my time and money to skydiving in the future.

Have fun and jump safe,

Ed in Spokane
"We saved your gear. Now you can sell it when you get out of the hospital and upsize!!" "K-Dub"


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Hey Welcome, Dude!
I'm an experienced Scuba Diver, ROOKIE Skydiver. I've got just five jumps. but like someone else said. (Sorta) We can always Dive DOWN on the days we can't Dive UP. I plan on having LOOOOONG getaways to nice warm places where I can use BOTH licenses.....i.e. the Boogie in Brazil.
Blue Skies!

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