
New, not even trained yet one question :)

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Hey ya!

I am a final year student doing BSc Computing. I know the costs of the AFF course but I am still unsure of how much equipment costs. I know that at the AFF they are probaby going to tell me but I am so keen to start running numbers now I just thought someone might know.

For instance, when I looked on the aerodyne-int site, they offer canopies for 1500 USD. I don't know if that includes the container, D-bags etc! If not then to buy my own kit could cost upwards of 4000 usd.

Can anyone show me a link?

It looks like $1500 for canopy, $800 for reserver, $1000+ for container. $4000 (USD) to just get started with your own equipment?

Just a thought :)

Can't wait to start my course regardless!


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Whoa slow down there guy.

Don't even think about buying gear until you're closer to getting your A license.

Go to your DZ, get your training, get some jumps, then talk to your instructors about gear. They'll help you find something reasonable that's the right type and right canopy size for you. You can expect to pay anywhere from $2k to $5k depending on used or new and what you buy.

So like I said, slow down, go to your DZ, work on getting your license and talk to the instructors about gear.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I've done a whopping 13 jumps, so take this with a grain of salt. But definitely budget wisely. AFF will run about $1600 for 9 jumps. After that, you do coaching jumps to work for that license, cost varies by drop zone. Equipment varies. I just bought my first rig... main, reserve, container, and cypress for $1800 used through the rigger at the local DZ. My husband's was $2000 through the same rigger. It is up to you what you are looking for as to how much you will spend.

I'd wait til you graduate and have a full time job. That way when you get hooked hard on jumping (as you probably will), you won't have to worry so much about where the money for that next jump is coming from.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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I don't think the cold stops the jumps, only the jumper if they don't like the cold. Saw somewhere, maybe it was on this site, about a jump in the Arctic or Alaska or something like that. Very nice looking image of snowcapped mountains.

And yeah /agree on the waiting on the buying thing especially if you haven't done it before. You're liable to get up there for the first one and be so terrified that you don't wanna do it again, however unlikely most of us here would find that.

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Hey ya,

I work part time for my old company and they pay pretty well. I am going to try and raise the money to do the AFF. I am in England and its getting pretty chilly now, does that stop people jumping?

The winters in England won't stop you jumping, I'm an ex Nethers jumper an I used to jump the old 186 with no doors in the middle of Febuary with six inches of snow on the plains.

My advise is, Gortex socks, an the best (insulated) skydiving gloves you can afford

Good luck with the AAF once your in you'll be with one of the best crowds in the world
we'll take the piss an be sarcastic, but just ask us for help or advice an we'll bend over backwards to help you progress

Blue Skies Zep

Gone fishing

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Thanks for the help guys!

I am not going to buy equipment, probably not even after I pass (if i can) the AFF course.

I might get some gloves (now that you mention it) and some goggles and altimeter. But containters, canopies and everything else will have to wait until I have played around with different ones.

I really can't wait to start, i thought this kind of thing was very expensive and inaccessible but as it turns out it seems to be more affordable than I ever thought, plus there is a dropzone 31.4 miles from where i am sat right now.

If I still have the buzz in 2 weeks i will book the course. I do this alot, especially with technology, if I want to do it i'll wait 2 weeks and then if i still want it i REALLY know I do :)

I showed my girlfriend the fatality database and I don't think she wants me to do it! I promised not to get a motorbike if I can start jumping, this way eliminating some kind of risk in my life!

Well, i'm talking to be talking now, thanks for the help



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$1900- mirage g3 with the bells & whisles
$ 1700 pd 190
$ 900 pd 176 r
$ 1175 cypress II
$ 180 alti II
$ 180 bonehead helmut
$ 170 pro dytter
$ 200 jumpsuit
$ 40 goggles & hook knife

Oh jump tickets and beer

Welcome to the sport, those figuires become spilled
milk after your first jump.

Enjoy blue skies

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