
I'm new..please be my friend...

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Hello. I have just finished my student jumps and am working toward my A license. I love this sport!! I'm very excited and am looking for all information and tips and places to go and people to know and...you get the idea I'm sure. I'm jumping at Mike Palmer's World o' Fun in Cushing, OK, and am looking forward to meeting the rest of the world soon. Thanks for checking on the newbie and I hope you have a great day.


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Hey Wiz! Welcome to the forums from another Newbie! I just did my first jump at SkydiveAirtight in Skiatook on Sunday with DrStrangelove. Those guys are awesome over there. I'm from Chicago, so I probably won't get back down there anytime soon. But if you want to try a smaller DZ, I recommend SkydiveAirtight.

Stacy the Red

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Thanks for writing me. I love Cushing. Why are you going so far away to jump? Hinton may be closer, and I know Cushing is. (by like an hour)

I don't know what YIM means, but do it for me, too.

Catch up with you later.

Waving off,

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Thanks for welcoming me. I love Indianians. I do have a question for you.

How do you like your racer? I think that's the container that I want to get...but no one at my DZ has one, so I don't know a lot about them.

Again, thanks for writing me. I hope I don't become a stranger...or that I am one already and don't know it. That would really suck.

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Thanks for writing me. I am happy that I can drop a name in if I ever make it to Deland. Unless, of course, you've done something incredibly awful and they won't let me jump because of you. Then I would wish that I had never met you at all. Which I haven't. so...

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Thanks for the tip. Glad to know that if I ever get sick and tired of the HUGE EXPANSIVE METROPOLIS that is Cushing, OK...and their IMMENSELY GIGANTIC airport...I do have a backup plan.

Hope to talk to you soon.

I like red.

Unless it's blood...then I faint.

Cause I'm a girl when it comes to blood.

Not that there's anything wrong with being a girl...it's just that...I...uh...

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I like red.

Unless it's blood...then I faint.

Don't worry, I'm not obsessed with blood or anything... B| It refers to my hair, so no worries. I'm a five foot redhead, I figure this name suits me pretty well.


Glad to know that if I ever get sick and tired of the HUGE EXPANSIVE METROPOLIS that is Cushing, OK...and their IMMENSELY GIGANTIC airport...I do have a backup plan.

I don't know if it's just me...but I'm sensing a little sarcasm in this...:P


Stacy the Red

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Welcome to the sky, Jeff. You picked a great DZ to learn at. Mike has always run a top-notch student program.

Cushing is where I learned how to skydive, made a lot of great friends, and eventually earned my Instructor rating. For personal reasons I don't jump there anymore, but it's a wonderful DZ.

Just watch out for the prison, stay away from the oil tanks, and don't touch Palmer's Ron Centenario rum.B|
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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I love my racer for the most part. It is a very comfortable rig. It is an NOS(narrow over the shoulder). Two things I don't like are that it has a lot of velcro, which wears out. It can be replaced. I wish it had a little more padding on the leg straps. I think they have addressed the velcro issue on newer models however.

Blue ones, Todd

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Hey, we jumped together right before July 4th. My radio fell off in freefall and you helped coach my friend and I through the CATs. I did my graduation jump with Tony Cortez...who I hadn't jumped with since my 2nd jump. I hit it though. I graduated in the air and then landed short of the beer line, so I had to buy a bunch of sweet, sweet nectar. The tab alone was more than my jump.

Talk to you soon, and thanks for looking me up. I'm sure I'll see you around and I'll be back to jump at Hinton after I get my license.

Keep in touch.
Waving off,

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