
Addicted and excited!

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Hello, I recently jumped at Pepperell, Nashua NH, with Mary Kuneman and her fiance Tom Noonan, what a blast! I grew up with Mary in upstate NY and a few of us went to NH to visit her for her graduation from Daniel Webster. What a riot and if you two are listening...*reading* holy crap what did you do to me! I am totally addicted!!! (attached is a pic Tom took of me!) Found a dropzone close to home though and off I go to empty my wallet and have a blast! This is by far, the most addictive habbit ever! Thanks guys! I look forward to these forums, jumping and meeting fellow skydivers!
Til then blue skies to all!
[email][email protected]
All my life I've been called Rocky, but now some say in my tandem jump photo that I really look like Rocky the squirrel!

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Welcome to the forum, and yes skydiving is quite addictive I have found that out myself only recently still being a student (on level 5 AFF) but what better way is there to spend your money or your time? So far I have found nothing that compares to the thrill of freefalling, of course I am sure it will be even more fun when I really learn to fly!:D

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Hehe! I guess it was a little late for me to be up, I swear I attached the pic! lol well here it is! Thanks for the warm welcomes too! :P
All my life I've been called Rocky, but now some say in my tandem jump photo that I really look like Rocky the squirrel!


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Hey thanks everyone for the warm welcome....
I have a silly question that I'm sure you have all at one point in time or another have come across...
As you know here, I am new and have all so much to learn. Everything to learn! It is important to me that my family understand and shares my enthusiasm for skydiving. If not even just to be happy for me! When I tried to talk to my mother about the dropzone I found and my new "addiction" she says silly things, like, "Why would you want to do it if you don't get paid? Why waste your money?"
How does one respond to this? I would like her to understand, along with certain others. Also how, after you have become more experienced do you actually talk about skydiving to people that havn't jumped and relate? It's almost as if they have no idea? I'm not trying to be mean but....I feel like they really don't and here I am just a rookie! I'm still probably just one of them! Does this sound too crazy? What is going on!
Anyway, thanks again!

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she says silly things, like, "Why would you want to do it if you don't get paid? Why waste your money?"
How does one respond to this?

Just say, "because it makes me happy. You want me to be happy, don't you?"

I've had to work on my family for 3 years now. They're finally to the point where they have stopped saying, "oh, I'm so glad you're still alive" after a weekend of jumping. But, my mom still refuses to give me any gifts that are associated with skydiving. One thing at a time, I guess.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Regarding sharing your passion of skydiving with your friends and family, you will probably come to a point where you realize that not only do they not get it, they don't really care all that much. It was only about a month ago when I began noticing peoples' eyes glazing over when I started talking about skydiving.

The good news is, by the time you realize that, you will have already become a part of a new family - and one that both gets it and cares! Welcome to skydiving! :)
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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Regarding sharing your passion of skydiving with your friends and family, you will probably come to a point where you realize that not only do they not get it, they don't really care all that much. It was only about a month ago when I began noticing peoples' eyes glazing over when I started talking about skydiving.

The good news is, by the time you realize that, you will have already become a part of a new family - and one that both gets it and cares! Welcome to skydiving! :)

I was going to say the exact same thing, but you beat me to it. ;)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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:S Ya know....for some crazy reason...I believe you guys! Thanks so much! I feel better now and look forward to more posting with you all!
All my life I've been called Rocky, but now some say in my tandem jump photo that I really look like Rocky the squirrel!

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Heyz, welcome to this wondeful forum..... and i'm GLAD that U are Addicted to this sport!!!!

U'll realise that u've suddenly found ur meaning of Living and of cos, became more hardworking (in getting part time jobs, just to have money to complete ur skydiving training)!!!

Meanwhile, Stay cool and safe......

U'll love skydiving More.....

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Regarding sharing your passion of skydiving with your friends and family, you will probably come to a point where you realize that not only do they not get it, they don't really care all that much. It was only about a month ago when I began noticing peoples' eyes glazing over when I started talking about skydiving.

The good news is, by the time you realize that, you will have already become a part of a new family - and one that both gets it and cares! Welcome to skydiving! :)

I was going to say the exact same thing, but you beat me to it. ;)

Raquel welcome to this great sport and community. You will find sooner than later that for most part, you will be looked after during your training and as you develop you skills, by your new family.

There is no writen law on how whuffos (people like most of your family) can be converted into people who will actually support, but you should talk to them seriously at one point, and let them know that there is serious training and that this is something that makes you happy. sign up for AFF and get your license without hurry, just make sure you learn the safety aspects (neverending), and overall, go at your own pace, you will find it very rewarding, as long as you are conscious about safety and willing to learn.

Personally, I think skydiving is but a state of mind and freedom, and that if you keep the same attitude with the rest of your life, you will see how much enjoyable it becomes.

Blue ones and be safe!
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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To Juanesky and everyone, wonderful advice, thank you! I am going this week to start training...I guess they jump all the way up to Thanksgiving...the weather in upstate NY starts to get bad after that! I may have to travel a bit during breaks in school.
Thank you all so much this is great! I am looking forward to meeting so many new friends/family!

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A far as I know, the ranch seems to be a pretty good option for you. You will definitely like to get on your way before the year end (preferably get your A- license before Sept 30.), without any rush though, if you are not able to so be it.

The ranch, and I do not know if you can handle cold weather, remains open even in winter.

That is the only problem with the north east. the F*#^&#*G weather.

Well good luck, be safe and blue skies!
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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