
nervous momma

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hello, my name is mel. My daughter went on her first tandem last year in Cal. She decided I need to go too!! yikes! Nervous but excited! 1/12 is the big day. I am a smoker I was wondering if this will affect how I feel when I jump?? Thanks in advance for any advice. [:/]

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You will absolutely love it, nothing to worry about! Except of course, you like it so much you decide you want more!!!!! It happens all the time! Just relax and enjoy the ride it is an experience you will never forget.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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There's a ton of skydivers at my dz who smoke, so I don't think it will be a problem for you. My mom did a tandem and loved it. I hope you do too! :)

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Hey, Congrats!! It's great you're going to do it. Ditto to everything others have said. It's so wonderful being in freefall and under canopy. My wife did a tandem a few years back, she was thrilled! Just remember to relax and enjoy the sensations.

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Hi, Mel. TEN MORE DAYS!!!!


I am a smoker I was wondering if this will affect how I feel when I jump??

Yes, you will want to have several nervous ones before you take off, and one relaxing one after you land. ;)

If you hadn't read this, would it have made a sound?

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Hi Mel.
Good luck on your upcoming jump. You'll be smiling real big when your feet hit the ground. As for smokes, just make sure to bring an extra pack, especially if the DZ you are going to is out in the middle of nowhere, like mine. I'm not saying to smoke them all, but having them will feel warm and comforting on such a nervous day. But be real careful with a smoke when you are around people's gear and parachutes. It's easy to space that when your mind is scattered or preoccupied. We had a couple of burns on canopies not long ago.
Jump, scream, land, smile.

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No problems if your a smoker. But bear in mind that you can't light up as soon as the freefall experience ends, like you would after sex. Your in danger of burning a hole in the rig, and at thousands of feet in the air that would be bad. ;)

Welcome to the forums.


I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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Of course it is going to be kinda cold here Sunday

Cold??? You're in Florida, wear long pants ;). I'm in Buffalo. THATS cold.[:/]

Have a great first jump.


That is exactly what I was thinking!!!:)

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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It's cold! When I jumped here 2 weekends ago, I had on long johns underneath yoga pants and a long sleeve t-shirt, underneath my jumpsuit plus I had on gloves AND liners...and I was comfortable. But then that silly Vallerina, who came from up north, walked around with a sleeveless shirt on, her jumpsuit and sandals! :S

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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It's cold! When I jumped here 2 weekends ago, I had on long johns underneath yoga pants and a long sleeve t-shirt, underneath my jumpsuit plus I had on gloves AND liners...and I was comfortable. But then that silly Vallerina, who came from up north, walked around with a sleeveless shirt on, her jumpsuit and sandals! :S

You poor babies, don't know what cold is!:):)If you come from a cold climate (winter time) then, no, Florida is not cold. If all you know is the warm climate of Florida, then yes, winter is probably 'cold' to you, but not for us!:)

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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