
bridge day

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hello all you one jump wonders who are coming out to W.V. next month to rape/pillage/and burn.several of the higher level staff memebers and myself have been hard at work to try to keep hostilities down between ourselves and the NPS. of course they have tried to impose all kinds of rediculous rules upon us with little or no warning. as always we will prevail and another b-day will go down in the history books.
well i basically have 2 things to say first. Thanks to jason and his immediate staff for all the have done behind the scenes to get this thing underway. secondly when we go down this time why dont we try to treat it like it's our last one ever? as it may be. well the point is to try to have a really good time and not get hurt and mostly not get arressted.i personally will have a smile on my face the entire weekend ans if you see me with out one i'll give you a dollar!!!!!! but you do have to catch me first. to summerize lets kicks some ass and get along and have a great time next month, cool!!!!cya-----kramer

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out of curiosity... might you PM what they (NPS) have been doing?

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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Are you really comming???????

Is it a good decision for you?????

remember Ed trick!!!!

would love to see ya and kick your ass :)

you need a god beating

Have a GoWayLow day
Naked BASE #7

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so are you going to be there joe?

I've got all I need, Jesus and gravity. Dolly Parton


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I don't think the NPS has done anything this year that's out of the ordinary. The only real change I heard was the January 2007 retirement of Cal Hite, the NPS superintendent at New River. Cal has never been a big supporter of BASE jumping.

Cya in 3 weeks. Let's all have fun and be safe this year.
(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only

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im young dumb and full of fire ; to burn all the local sites to the ground baby. u should embrace use and take use to your sites when its cool so we dont burn them by accident i cant wait to do my first A down there 1 want to make it jump # 10 for me it will be specail

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