
Curious - Logging Jumps

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I am curious on whether people log jumps or not.

I used to log all the detail and then have analysis of all sorts of data, but I decided to stop logging my jumps as I did not want the factor of number chasing to come into my decisions. I cant actually say that this would not effect my choice to jump if it happened to be a milestone, so in recognising this as a potential issue, I stopped logging my jumps, I now just have a general idea of the number of jumps / objects I have.

I realise I am missing out on recorded memories, but I just feel I may make a rash decision if the jump was a special one. A wise man admits he is a fool.

So, do you log your jumps? If not / If so, do you have a reason for it as I do?

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I log my jumps but do not number them.

Now thats a good idea

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I log. But mostly just to keep track of the jumps on my gear. I retired a 42" PC because it felt like it was hesitating just a little. I looked in my log book, and it had 206 jumps on it. After that, I started keeping a closer eye on the jumps on my gear.

And I'm not afraid to say I also like the numbers. My last jump was jump number 486 off the potato bridge (some of you might catch the significance of that):ph34r:
And it's always nice to see how people get excited about doing a 100th or 500th jump with someone.
And I have it on my computer, so it's not that tough to keep a log going.

Fear is the thief of dreams...

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I am a logger, and I know that people who do not log tend to have many many less jumps than they guesstimate.

I fall behind on my logging for a month or 3 or 4 and at that point (especially if I am near a benchmark) I always have over guesstimated and am dissapointed when I go and accurately log the jumps I made.

The thing is maybe I am at like 480 ish and 6 months go by so I figure I for sure got to 500, then if I never caught up on my logging and a year went by i may claim like 550 or 600 or something, when really in that first 6 months between 480 and 500, I only got like 16 jumps.

I have never met an underguesstimator, except maybe Jimmy Halliday, he has been base jumping for 16years or something and still claims to have 200 jumps. I have been jumping for 4 years and I have done at least 60 with Jimmy. 4 years ago when I met him he said he had 150 or 200 jumps or something.

bottom line if you do not live in Twin Falls they add up very slowly, especially the special ones, even if you are going hard.

another reason is that I have a thing going with myself that at 500 I do 5 flips, 6oo 6 flips etc... it is fun, but I pitched the idea to douggs and he wanted nothing to do with it. I wonder why!?

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I do my log book after every night of jumping. Only write a good deal if I did something new or special though. Otherwise... 600 ft A Double reverse or whatever I did is about it.


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I do my log book after every night of jumping.

That is funny... I'm so glad I live in Switzerland... :-)
Michi (#1068)

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i log mine on my phone then sync it with my PC when i get home...i just do it because im getting old now and my memory is starting to go...or maybe thats the stella artois..i log whos with me so as people come and go i can put the faces with the jumps..

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I log my jumps for two reasons; one is to keep track of my friends and the jumps I've made with them, the other is I plot the jumps over time to see the pattern of my jumping.

Right now it looks kind of like a stair case where I'll do a number of jumps then not jump for a while, then do several more jumps, etc. It would be interesting to go back and review what the reason for the intermissions. I do the same for skydiving. It would be interesting to overlay the two graphs to see how they coincide...l

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I stopped logging jumps about 5 years ago. No regrets so far.
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Nope, to much like hard work... Now I only log the jumps that are unusual / memorable / or with friends that I want to remember. The majority of my jumps are solo, and they all kinda blur into beautiful sunrises and crisp crystal clear mornings:)

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