
Ray Losli owes me 50.00ringit...

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Ray Losli owes me 50.00 ringit and I want it BACK...GOD DAMMIT.
Ray for a BASE jumping Oregonian that loves nothing more than some good ground rush and shooting automatic weapons, you sure do have a real sensitive side. After reading Maggot's thread and what both you and Pope wrote, I was laughing. So much so that I scared the cat. The reality may come as a shock to you Ray but as BASE jumpers i believe it's our unwritten right to give each other some stick every now and then regarding our fuck ups. And you fucked up. All Chris said was basically remember Malaysia. You then chimed in and told the whole story. Like the true propagandist that we can all be at times, story read entirely in your favor. Except for the part about you hitting the side of one of the most spectacular skyscrapers in the world. Need I remind you that originally there were only 2 people on the load and you weren't one of them. Don't get me wrong Ray, I like ya but and I would like to publicly blame JJ for inviting you. There I said it.
It's all JJ's fault. Maybe he should give me the 50.00 Ringit. I don't know whether or not your judgement was clouded by some strange "Tobacco"
you and Fumio were smoking but you seem to have a very lopsided view of the events. Alls fair in love and BASE Ray. If you weren't SOOOO sensitive we might all forget about this in another 50YEARS. Mean while learn to live with it. If you want I can even tell you what both Dwain and Slim said when we told them what happened. "Shit house" is one word that springs to mind. But before this gets totally out of hand just remember it was me hanging of the side of the Petronas Towers. Hahaha. But then again I paid for my mistake with not 1 but 2 PCAs from that glorious building. OH the shame.
PS. Thanks a bundle Ray. I've gotten more mileage out of this one story from Malaysia than any other.
There's rumored to be a tribe in Borneo that worships an effigy of you called the "Wobbly horror show building basher" This summer I shal journey there to make an offering...if I have time after the Heliboogie.
Come on Tom I wasn't too harsh mate.

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But then again I paid for my mistake with not 1 but 2 PCAs from that glorious building.

:D:D Now that's funny.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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penalty PCA's... genius. it shall be written into the splatula rulebook.

Abbie Mashaal
Skydive Idaho
Snake River Skydiving

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I had know idea u liked asualt Rifel's ill send u a video of me shooting an AR-15 on top of an Antenna with my base rig on, right before i jump off. I new i liked u, guns are cool .
Guns Drugs BASE and SEX what more do u want in life.
I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja
derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad

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Guns Drugs BASE and SEX what more do u want in life.

wrok and roll....

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Guns Drugs BASE and SEX what more do u want in life.

an unlimited supply of ammo to feed the belt-feds:)

May we live long and die out

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That's like 12.50 US right? I don't quite follow your story Matt and I know the way you speak. Why does Ray owe you 50 Ringit?
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Matt you Bastard ! .. You Will get that 50 Ringit over my dead body.
Also, If you follow my logic and thinking. All I have to do is wait around long enough and everyone that was on the Load will have Quit Jumping or be DEAD.
Then it will be just, My Side of the Story. HA HA HA AH AH !

"You will get that Ringit over my dead body" ? I was just thinking. The night is still pretty young.

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It's at LEAST $12.50 maybe a little more, maybe less. It's really more the principle than anything else.
But if you must know. The deal was we all put in R50 to potentially bribe the keymaster of the building. Common sense says start the bribing low, say R2 the guard counters with R500 and we gradually come to a happy median of say...R47. Call me crazy but that's the way I thought it was done. Ray elected himself, why I have no idea, to be the translator and negotiator. Now this is where I carry some responsibility. I let Ray take all the money, instead of grabbing him and shaking some sense into him, and watched as he walked up to the guard and initiated negotiations. Ray in his glorious state of chemically/herbally enhanced togetherness immediately started his own negotiations. At which time he emphatically told everyone present that the Guard wasn't going for it. What was really happening was the guard had absolutely no idea what Ray was talking about. 5 bizarre looking foreigners being led, supposedly, by some babbling gibberer pointing at a stash bag and then making a sound like a helicopter would have confused even the most enlightened Malay. However through all this I could tell that the guard had no idea that we wanted to go to the heli pad or that we were BASE jumpers. He didn't even know what a BASE jumper was. Before I could say "Soft cock moss tosser" Ray had ponied up the R250 and pointed at the elevators. Suddenly blinded by this extraordinarily generous act by this incredibly agitated white person, the guard trotted us over to the elevators and sent us on our way. Now far be it for me to cast aspersions on Ray's generous samaritan like behavior but I think the fella would have been stoked with a 50 spot. That would have left a nice little pot with which to enjoy a couple of aprez jump coldies. Instead I got to play search and rescue and then cab hailer for the one guy who wasn't even meant to be there let alone negotiate our way to bankruptcy. Trust me when I say this, I'm not expecting my R50 or my $12.50 but it's as I said before, the principle.
We've all had our moments and I take full responsibility for all my actions and if anyone has a good story about my fuck ups lets have it. Ray just takes himself a little too seriously sometimes.
So there you go. My side of it.
BTW. the thing about the tribe in Borneo worshiping the "Wobbly horror show building basher" is 100% possibly true. They leap out of trees with vines wrapped around their ankles yelling"My foot slipped" and smack into the trunks to break their ribs. Really they do...or maybe it's Vanuatu...I'll find out.

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You can keep my R50 and I'll even give you an extra R200 if you promise never to slip on exit ever again...EVER AGAIN!!
And don't even blame your boots RAY.
We're watching you. MOSS TOSSER.

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BTW. the thing about the tribe in Borneo worshiping the "Wobbly horror show building basher" is 100% possibly true. They leap out of trees with vines wrapped around their ankles yelling"My foot slipped" and smack into the trunks to break their ribs. Really they do...or maybe it's Vanuatu...I'll find out.

Sorry Ray, but that's funny shit right there.....:D:D:D
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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..." Hahaha. But then again I paid for my mistake with not 1 but 2 PCAs from that glorious building. OH the shame".

OHHHHH (cough cough) The Shame. I thought that was the, CNN camera getting the hanging shots. ...... ;)
Edit to add:
Man now you got me thinking back to that time now. I had a good time back then.
that same week Partying down the streets at night with those fucking Russians. while Blowing J's and passing around a couple liters of Vodka. Those bastards are Crazy (in a good way) I luv them punks. nobody can out drink them. We were walking talking, drinking and getting pretty buzzed. I remember kind of mentioning to them. That maybe we should make a small effort to keep it Low-Key. With drugs and all being the death penalty. They all Laughed @ me and one Russian barked out. "FUCK ! the death penalty"
Then latter we ended up at this big Russian party. Where Iiro was getting pretty wound-up and buzzed. Then people (iiro started it) started Blind-side-Tackling @ random, people into the swimming pool.
Fuck Matt, them were some Goodtimes. even with the broken Ribs. I wouldn't trade that time for anything in the world. ....:D

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You know Ray, may I call you Ray or do I have to still call you "Your Wobbly Horrorfulness" those were indeed some good times. I must hasten to add that by my calculations I shall outlive you thereby insuring my side of the story passing sweetly on into the realm of urban legend. Don't ask me how I came up with the fact that I was going to live longer than you...I think I took my age and divided it by the number of ribs I have broken and came up with...34 more years and by those same calcs you have 15 more??? At least that's the most scientific method. You could also take the your total number of jumps and divide that by the number of times you yelled "My foot slipped" and that will give you months left alive. Yeah man it's pretty advanced stuff, I don't recomend this type of math for just anyone. If you need help just give me a shout.

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