
skydive mag

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150 people making 500 jumps a day off of 300-400ft cliffs... there is almost a certainty that there will be an accident. Serious accident.

I disagree. Some of the events in Malaysia have involved nearly as many jumpers, making more jumps, from a significantly more technical object, without the incident count.

In my opinion, the difference is largely the approach of the jumpers, but that mostly came from the ability of the organizers in Malaysia to ride herd more closely (which is almost impossible in Moab due to the large number of exit points, and the fact that you don't need the organizers permission to just show up and jump).

I don't know that it's possible to create the same kind of safety-conscious atmosphere that you see in some other events in a big, wide ranging event like the Turkey Boogie, but it's definitely not fair to say that incidents are inevitable with 150 jumpers making 500 jumps per day.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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dude..bro...your hair, was like, so totally sweet in those shots... i bet you wrap all the biitches up in nyc...fuckin gnar gnar ganr..... wrok wrok wrok

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Grateful ? what the fuck were you smoking ? I don't think I stopped jumping that day as a fucking gratuity. I think I stopped jumping because Maggot and the other guy flailing & Spanking the wall was just a BuzzKill to say the least. It just kind of spoils my relaxing jumps and easy going, happy go lucky attitude.
The other guy (name ?) at least had a serious attitude and was giving it his BEST to survive but Maggot you were just running rampant without discipline. I meet you and you seem like a nice and likable guy. I will jump with you anytime but you trying to hold that pace of jumping for any amount of time will come back to bite you in the ass. It also takes a little extra discipline and courtesy to promoters who offer BASE events like Thanksgiving jumps @ Moab.

. . .or like the events in Kuala Lumpur. . . know what I mean Ray?

BTW...How them ribs?

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I wateched your go and throw at the Perrine last Monday. Even with a slight head wind you opened into a stall and were sliding backwards. Fix your DBS before you jump anything solid or you will certainly back into whatever you just jumped off.

It was a planned riser drill. DBS is fine. You'll see me flying backwards in TF more often than flying forward. ;)
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. . . " know what I mean Ray" ?

You have got to be fucking joking ?
Yes I think I know what you mean and I think paid for that bandit jump.
a couple years I thoughtlessly disregarded my Health by NOT taking a more conservative line. I had a bad exit foot hold. I had shitty exit for object clearance. I ignored a strong side wind. That was the last day of the holiday and the following day way the beginning of the business week to limit my building access. I was also mentally Tired from making 10 jump that day already.
I was being greedy but mostly I basically WANTED that object so bad for so long that I talked myself into it and blinded my better judgment by stupidity.

Hey Listen Pope, Just because you don't like me does not mean you have try to be such a fucking Dick. I think I paid for my mistake with 3 broken Ribs. While I also fucked the rest of the load that is still living and out of there exits that evening. You still seem to hold a grudge. Still I did not see anybody else eagerly climbing up to exit that spot ahead of me anyway. ..... ;) maybe you wanted to go first ?
Also bigboy, technically the Event was OVER. so I justified and reinforced my actions with that fact also.
Soooooo tell me. Do you really See, Read, watch video or Hear ME bragging, boosting and yammering on the internet about my bad choice in decisions that evening. Like I'm reading in this fucking thread ???
Also is there anything else you want to publicly get off your chest that is bothering you. Why are you still being a big PooPo Head ?
You must still be holding a Grudge for bringing this SHIT up in the middle of this Thread. That jump was Not Me doing something stupid right in the middle of an event like Moab thanksgiving.
I would like to also Add something to that sharp but selective memory you recklessly throw up. That jump was a group of guys - Which also YOU were one of the group and taking part in - going out and making a BANDIT JUMP off a world class skyscraper at the END of an event. We ALL threw in Together. I screwed the pooch. I paid the price. But at least you got walk away still freely breathing and not bleeding. If you think I was haveing just a little to much fun than you were. Let me know. ...:o
So is there anything else you still Think you want to slap me around in public for that you were a part of ?
I think you should Spit it out now buddy Or forever hold your peace. Because I would really like to rap this crap up and put it to an end to all this petty hostility that you hold. Come on dont be scared. Let it out. Im a man and can take a little critisism...:P

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Lock This Thread Up ! Ohhhhhh Maggot. i'm a little disapointed. You woke me up and I am just getting started here Son.
You talk a pretty mean line of shit in the opening Thread Post. NOW you want to LOCK this Thread.
You Whiny fucking Pussy. cocksucking little crybaby. Begging, for Tom to lock it up.
By the way. Your Hair ? looks like a generic SuperCuts 10-$ Special.
Soooo Bring it on motherfucker.

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this means war U can call me an AIDS infested faget cock smoking Kaffer,an Idiot ,prickwhat ever suits u.
But don't ever talk about the hair that's where u cross the
line. Buddy and to think after that night we spent together
staring at the stars and to each others eye's. this is the thanks I get I feel so used.
and these treads were started after the articals where published. in the magazine not that i care but i might as well have some fun with this hole thing.
PS I will still hook up with u next time I see u your a great Kisser.
I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja
derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad

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Shit Jerry,

You did not tell me that, you and Ray.

Now I'm pissed, really. You told me I was the only one and such.

You broke my heart.

I hope you will fall for Ray so he can do what you did to me.

Memento Audere Semper


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Ok. I think we're done here.

Ray, Maggot, let's ease down a little here, ok? Calling each other names is counterproductive. Reasonable statements of your feelings on the issues are ok. It is possible to express yourself (even negatively) without resorting to profanity and personal attacks. I suggest you both read BASE428's post up toward the beginning of the thread to see what I mean.

Maggot, I know that you really aren't as reckless, callous and disrespectful as you come across on this forum. You might consider not baiting people quite so much on-line, because it's going to have an impact in the real world after a while.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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