
Reason for bye bye Skydive, Hello BASE

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Until very recently I loved to skydive and have since I started out 18 Months ago. I have tried to push and challenge myself not only to get as many skills as I can, but also to be safe and knowledgeable about the sport.

All along (for a good while before I finally got the time to take up skydiving) Iv'e wanted to evolve to BASE, but always saw it as a challenge that I would arrive at when the time was right.

I saw that time as being some way down the road, when I had got well and truely bored with Skydiving and my adrenaline tolerance was a little more numbed. So I've just lurked and listened and learned and thought... a lot.

However, I find myself returning from my 'weekend relaxation' having received a whole load of abuse and basically being told that I'm a C*%T once again.
Don't get me wrong, I like and respect everyone that I have met in the sport and I understand that the huge pressure of trying to keep a bunch of giddy 'children' alive ain't easy to deal with.

At the moment I'm tied between having six months off jumping and seeing if the hunger returns - or is this a good time to just cut my losses now and embrace the BASE?

Oh, and yes I know theres probably plenty of politics in BASE also, but I hope you can at least argue your corner without someone threatening to take your A away:S

/re-inserts spat dummy/

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However, I find myself returning from my 'weekend relaxation' having received a whole load of abuse and basically being told that I'm a C*%T once again.

I think this is more about you not being happy with the way you are being treated at your DZ than it is about you wanting to BASE jump. There are two sides to every story, however I do understand that getting a public bollocking on a BPA DZ from a military type can rather spoil your weekend. Go to Spain or the states, go have some fun skydiving there without any of the aggro. Maybe you then decide that it isn't a new challenge you need, just that your problem is either your attitude in skydiving or your choice of local dropzone.


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i still love skydiving,but i just dont fit in anymore.
Why? i dunno as Screamer says theres always 2 sides of the storry,and the one always feel they did the right/usual thing.
Im my case i basicly really cant talk to (near)any at my dz whith out either there will be a discuss or i afterward feel stabbed from behind.All this by people i once felt were my real freinds,i learned it the hard way after i got a divorce and broke my leg in BASE(basickly my x who hated sd,now hang out at the dz alot..).
Im off for a while but havnt desided yet to quit total as i said i really love to sd,but again,how much fun if you jump alone most of the time.In the last year i only used sd as practice to BASE...
I also sold my skydive gear,right now i only have BASE gear.

I cant only blame the people at the dz,i know i did change aswell,but you must face fact and deside if you want the troubles or not(lucky most BASE jumpers has a great life at the dz aswell)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Swore up and down I'd never skydive. Thought those idiots were stupid.

Started skydiving.

Swore up and down I'd never switch over to BASE. Thought those idiots were stupid.

Started BASE jumping, quit skydiving.

I don't think about skydiving like I used to. BASE has consumed me. I can't explain why.


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nexy step quit base and swear off society?

added: hope to jump will ya someday. Have relatives in austin area, maybe flick/huck a B down there...

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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Go to Spain or the states, go have some fun skydiving there without any of the aggro.

Probably why I just got back from Empuria last week (for the 5th time this year) - so i do know what you mean:P Sadly the mood probably isn't much fun at the moment[:/]

Shame the buzz that I got from the fun coaching and great jumps was wiped off my face on the second jump back home

I do want desperately want to BASE, just planned to get a lot more get knowledge first. Maybe I should go talk to the other jumper that landed off on that load (hence the arse chewing) as he posts in this forum. Or the Birdman that flew over me and joked that I'd broke the off landing distance record for the DZ, as so does he.;)

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I'm 100% with Skreamer here (ouch ouch ouch, must NEVER say that again) - try a different DZ. Ideally not in the UK.

Edited to add: I voted option 4, mostly because they are very very different; BASE is not another form of skydiving, especially in the UK. But as you said, you have been lurking so you probably know that.
"If you can keep your head when all around you have lost theirs, then you probably haven't understood the seriousness of the situation."
David Brent

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