
All: Consider yourself Warned

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I've been on the road for the last two days, and I've just logged on to discover a very large number of useless, argumentative threads here.

Let me make this clear. We are done bickering here. If you want to continue I'll ban you for a week for each offense. I'll log on at my next stop and check in.

That is all.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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A bit of my reasoning:

We already have a place to have our BASE community squabbles and ego clashes. It's called BLiNC.

We already have a place on DZ.com for random chit-chat. It's called the Bonfire.

This forum should be for actual constructive discussions about BASE jumping.

I've done some additional cleaning up here. I realize that may not be the most popular decision, and I've heard, via email, phone and PM, from several people who think both that (a) I ought to moderate more strictly, and (b) I ought to let more stuff go. I've heard that all, and I'll continue to think about it.

For now, please try to keep the "I think so-and-so is a dork" comments off this forum, as well as the "he said-she said," the "you newbies have no idea what you're doing and you're all going to die" and the "I'm the greatest, no I am, no I am...."

As always, this forum will continue to evolve, in line with it's use by us, and Sangiro's overall plans for DZ.com. I'd like to see it continue to evolve as a useful place for BASE jumpers to exchange information and learn from each other. I'll do my best to help it grow in that way.

As a human, I possess personal feelings on many subjects, as well as flawed subjective judgment. I'm afraid we're all going to just have to accept that I'm doing my best here, and continue to muddle forward.

Feel free to post to this thread with feedback, thoughts, or further discussion.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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Tom i think you make a great job here.Just please dont take all the fun stuff off(related to BASE that can be used either as entertainment or as "learnalesson")

Just my thourght...

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Hey Tom,

I figured you must have been out of town. Every once an a while we just gotta have a little fun.... at somebody's expense. At any rate "I think so-and-so is a dork", "he said-she said," and of course "you newbies have no idea what you're doing and you're all going to die", by the way "I'm the greatest".

Keep up the good work!

Cya :P

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OK... here it is
After taking a huge Ass Chewing from a friend.
For the Post I just made in ....
" The voice Boomed from High Up"
Some of the things he was telling me.
I agree with.
I still want to stress this same statement that I
made in the last thread.

....I Am Not Taking Sides Here....
What I am about to say is only the
** Opinion of a Simpleton **

I don't care what political agenda is being pushed.
Nor do I care what the personal agendas of Motivation are.

What impact was I trying to make in this Post ???
I am on the side of, No Censorship.
*The thread should not have been interfered with.*
It should have been left alone.
They would have worked it out...
Johnny can verbally defend himself if he feels that he is
being undermined. He has the right to.

OK...what the hell is going on ?

If Tree wants to be a Nancy Negitive, so be it.

The Readers for the most part see, (and here is the important part)
Also Understand what is happening.

I consider the three of you. Johnny, Tom, and Tree
My Friend and, I Don't Question It.
I know all three of you Guys better than you think I do.

Tree: I remember when you started jumping. You are a
good BASE jumper and you coming up and into your own.
But what the fuck ?
You know that Johnny takes your wise cracks to Heart
and it bugs him. seriously you hurt him.

Johnny: NOBODY that has ever jumped with you can
dispute...You are Talented BASE Jumper and Skydiver.
You can also teach.
You have worked hard for a long time and sacrificed.
As for being, -Well Rounded- in all aspects of BASE
In my opinion, you are in the top ten .
Man I know this is going to Piss you off but... People
are going to take shots at you. Because...
-You Choose- to put yourself out there publicly.
Also: I understand your stance and reasoning against the
type of censorship that is going on.
I am not against your cause. We share a similar dislike
for censorship.

Tom: Right now you are somewhere on the road in a U-haul
truck. Between, Birmingham Alabama and Twin Falls Idaho.
....Good Luck.... been there.
I don't feel that I have to say a whole lot about this subject
to you. You know how I feel about it from my posts and mails
that you have received from me in the past.
It's like you say. "It's a learning prosess" and you are learning.
Tom : The BASE community is full of colorful personalities.
The passionate views expressed by these people are .
* Just a fact of life.*
set-up ?? If Not For This Reason.
The exchange of Knowledge on the subject of BASE is the
obvious positive bi-product that is given off.
Give the readers a little more choice. They can figure out
what is crap.

Who am I ? Knowbody important.
Just a reader. Just a jumper.
Am I making any impact ? Don't know.

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Ray, just wanted to say that I think your post is very well balanced and insightful... pointing out issues without engaging in personal attacks.

I've been trying to figure out what to say and how to say it, but I think you covered it better than I could have.

Peace all.

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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Awesome post Ray,

You hit the nail squarely on the head. Johnny is OK by me, but I just can't resist an easy target. Anyone that goes fully "PUBLIC" like that is pretty much putting a target on themselves. In the end were all just a bunch of base jumpers, lunatics by any definition, and very much the same. There is really no one I wouldn't happily share an exit point with, but that doesn't mean we can't have a little funnin now and then. The simpleton thing is pretty funny too. Nothing like a little sefl deprecating humor.

Again, great post.


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Anyone that goes fully "PUBLIC" like that is pretty much putting a target on themselves.

Umm, gee, everyone posting on this forum has gone fully public. This is the World Wide Web. Look at the number of post I make. I dont post that much. Sad thing is, sometimes when I share knowledge with people they tell me to post it, but I dont because certain people will just pick it apart and flame.

You know what Im talking about Mark. I dont want to start any kind of pissing match, never have. I would like it to end. Sometimes what you consider funnin is going too far, especially when you make false accusations.


I m sorry if I have offended you and your paying customers

Olive branch extended.

Tree, if you really meant what you said there, then Im all about burying the hatchet.
Have Fun, Don't Die!
Johnny Utah
My Website
email:[email protected]

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So long as the hatchet doesn't end up buried in my forehead, consider it buried. This on line stuff has a way of getting out of hand because of the computer's impersonal nature. Of course we all goof around and razz each other now and then, but no its not meant to be a call to arms. We'll have to share a peace pipe if you make it Jersey this summer.



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I'm just a lurker but a pretty compulsive one at that. I think tom does a good job at what is a quite difficult one at the best of times. The problem with forums is that for many they represent to an individual the only point of contact between them and a visible BASE community.
Therefore what can be just chit chat and having a laugh between known individuals can be easily misconstrued especially for the known individuals

Secondly the nature of forum chat often does not convey the true meaning of the intended message. arguments are seldom efficient means of communication at the best of times let alone when there is a significant time delay and also the "pull the trigger and see what happens phenomenon"

i hope everyone kind of knows what i mean. I think that my main point is that posting on forums is at some points kind of like being drunk and shouting your mouth off only you cant take it back and everone remembers.

Remember the audience is larger than the 2-3 people you are arguing with.

Anyhow ive just fallen off my soapbox


if this is crap delete as necesary.

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watch out....johnny might have buried the hatchet. But uncle ray ray's still got the fucking shotgun.
"In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E

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Some of its useful, some of its not, wherever there are people with differing views and strong convictions (both the belief and the criminal variety;)) there's going to be both discussion and division. But if we're all having fun and occasionally learning something, its not all bad.

You haven't got an easy job Tom, I'm not going to try telling you what to do...anymore....:P

"I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both."

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