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  1. Ok guys, firstly some apologies. Number one Posing a rhetorical question about BASE b4 it is actually relevant Secondly For not responding promptly. Ive been off line due to a BT fault. Lastly thanks for the intelligent replies from everybody especially the pms i got and the specifics i go tfrom peterk and base813. Basically i probably fall into all of the above stereotypes concerning early BASERs so yes i will keep my gob shut until necessary.
  2. Ok, first things first, been lurking here for a while so am well aware of the minimum requirements for base and such like. Basically my question revolves around the difficulty in establishing a relationship between an experienced BASE jumper without sounding like a complete whuffo, or a time waster, whilst at the same time not alienating oneself from the rest of the dropzone. How does one do this? I guess my question is basically for potential mentors, ie, what do you look for in a new student, or even more specifically is anyone prepared to put forward a more specific syllabus type check list of skills in the so called "200" jump minimum. Ok then, more specifically, you got 200 jumps, what do you do on each and every one before you are "prepared" for base. Whats the ideal first canopy size one picks and attempts to dial in? Apologies for asking all the obvious questions.
  3. I'm just a lurker but a pretty compulsive one at that. I think tom does a good job at what is a quite difficult one at the best of times. The problem with forums is that for many they represent to an individual the only point of contact between them and a visible BASE community. Therefore what can be just chit chat and having a laugh between known individuals can be easily misconstrued especially for the known individuals Secondly the nature of forum chat often does not convey the true meaning of the intended message. arguments are seldom efficient means of communication at the best of times let alone when there is a significant time delay and also the "pull the trigger and see what happens phenomenon" i hope everyone kind of knows what i mean. I think that my main point is that posting on forums is at some points kind of like being drunk and shouting your mouth off only you cant take it back and everone remembers. Remember the audience is larger than the 2-3 people you are arguing with. Anyhow ive just fallen off my soapbox ouch if this is crap delete as necesary.