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I am deffenetly getting into this, But I want to learn the safe way, and then get compleatly reckless. So who out there can guide me to the rite way to be reckless with safty.

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I am deffenetly getting into this, But I want to learn the safe way,

Talk about an oximoron... What "safe" way is there to learn BASE?

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I am deffenetly getting into this, But I want to learn the safe way, and then get compleatly reckless. So who out there can guide me to the rite way to be reckless with safty.

I'd steer you to a Playstation 2.
have fun.

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........and then get compleatly reckless. So who out there can guide me to the rite way to be reckless with safty.

huh? you want to be reckless? Dont bother BASE jumping then.......... go drink beers and drive a car - that's reckless........ just do it on farmland and theres your safety.......

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Look at the top of this page and use the link that says "Getting into BASE"... There is no safe way, only ways that seem more sane....


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Seems like a lot of people I talk to like to say

Oh yeah dude, i'm doin that for sure...

But after reading "Getting Into BASE, and talking to a few jumpers, I realized quickly that this sport is much more than many people think it is.

You could say that it is a great seperator of men and mice, but I dont think so. I think a lot of men stay behind on the couch. :D

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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You could say that it is a great seperator of men and mice

Actually I think it's a better separator of the normal and the brain damaged... :S

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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Not directed at mattsplat:

I remember when I wanted to learn to BASE jump.

I posted some similar messages on BLiNC (perhaps a touch more articulate, because I'm an overeducated nerd). I got flamed a bunch by experienced jumpers. I vowed that should I ever become an experienced jumper, I would not flame those posters, but rather try to help steer them toward proper training, attitudes and mentors.

Come on guys, would you rather he decided we were all a bunch of arrogant jackasses and just went out and chucked himself off of ?

Directed at mattsplat:

PM sent. Most of us are much nicer in person than on the internet. Do read the "Getting into BASE" article that skydawg linked. There isn't a totally safe way to get into BASE, but there are safer and less safe ways. Feel free to drop me a PM or email if you want my advice.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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PM sent. Most of us are much nicer in person than on the internet. Do read the "Getting into BASE" article that skydawg linked. There isn't a totally safe way to get into BASE, but there are safer and less safe ways. Feel free to drop me a PM or email if you want my advice.

Hello Tom,

Speaking of PM's, when ya gonna answer the one I sent you a few days ago? ;)

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