
sizzle sizzle

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I'd like to thank the anonymous jumpers in my area that helped create this sound at a local 2k stick.

show some respect!!!


edited by request of original poster ~TA

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nicely put MH.

you know who you are, what happened to calling the locals?!

Just 'cause you're from around here, doesn't mean you don't call to find out the scoop!

There were MUCH better ways to go about jumping that tower - we would have shown you the ropes had you given your fellow jumpers some respect.

I'm glad I'm not you.

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Sizzle Sizzle

Out of curiosity
- Define - Sizzle Sizzle

Would that be just creating some bad Television reseption. ?
Or the sound of Sizzling, Burning Flesh hanging on a Hot Transmitter ?
Or just making the object * HOT *

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Sizzle sizzle means: This great sight was jumped and jumped by scads of noncommunicating new jumpers. The barbed wire fence that surrounds the stick had obvious tresspassing damage done to it, and it is now VERY obvious to the MAN that there are idiot wannabe flickers on this object. Not fully burned yet, but now very hot with a freaky new motion sensor installed.
"It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"

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Actually, the new alarm has a VERY loud robo-human voice that thunders at you that you have tresspassed and violated many ordinances by being in this compound!!!!!!! How would you like that to greet you when yer all geared up and about to start climbing.
"It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"

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Not that I am making fun of your situation, I totally understand.
But that Robo-talking, alarm, motion detector is funny S--t
I Laughed for 5 minutes
I hope that crap never comes my way.
Having one on my local Tower would -Totally- F--ing- SUCK.
But on Your Tower, That's funny. :ph34r:

Is there any way you can climb on top of the building or other object to go over and above the sensor ??
I'm Assuming that the sensor is located above the trap door to ladder or elevator

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This is an ultra unfortunate thing that has happened and I can't say that I don't have a part in heating the site up, but there is one (or more) jumper/s in particular that were damaging this site in a ridiculous manner. Bending down wire with no regard to the fact that someone will notice this damage. A few of us even went out to the site and bent things back, making it look as suitable as we could (AND WE DIDN'T EVEN JUMP THAT NIGHT). It seemed to me that if this site was left unscathed, nobody would have ever put in sensors. In fact, I think that the damage being done to the surrounding fence was exceeding what the cost of a sensor would be, and that was the final decision. Given, there were jumps made there at innapropriate times (myself being included in these) which I am sure did not help the situation. There was a lot of respect put into this site by the people I have jumped with there, other than timing, we made sure that we covered tracks (feet as well as tires) and to my knowledge we were never seen jumping the object. By the way, this site was so easily accesable without doing ANY damage that it is ludicrous that someone was leaving behind such blatant evidence that people were trespassing. One little phone call is all it would have taken to get the info on the site. I myself am a new jumper, but I sought out the necesary avenues to go about finding out what the best way to hit the site was. Finally, I think that a lot of us became too comfortable with the remoteness of the site and that contributed to our lack of stealth. So to the few people who were willing to go to the top, I apologize for my part in the heat, but keep in mind, I enjoyed this site as well as anyone and didn't want this to happen, but it did. This is my first experience with heat on an object, and the mistakes that i and others (the wire damage wasn't acceptable by the way) have made, I personally will take into account and learn from. To end, this sucks, but it's not the end, and to the person who did all that damage to the wire, thank you, thank you very much.

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I enjoyed this site as well as anyone and didn't want this to happen, but it did.

well, I guess all that doesn't matter much now. Do everyone else (and yourself) a favor and don't do anymore "inappropriate" jumps at any of our other local objects. A lot of people have done a lot of work to make these objects jumpable--so get in touch with locals. My guess is that you haven't jumped any other local objects...so call someone who knows and see if you can't get them to show you how to do it right.

A lot of people are pretty pissed off right now--I'd consider this before going out and jumping something else in the middle of the day.
If you have to jump during the day, go to Moab or Potato Bridge.


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to my knowledge we were never seen jumping the object

this is some of the object's visible history:
- two people seen jumping in daylight over early arriving work crews
- two people ask workers if they would give some jumpers a lift in the crane, worker agrees then object turns hot before they can make good on the arrangements
- two new jumpers say they saw a person jump the fence and start climbing the tower while they are on it, they jump in front of that person (who was this person who saw these jumpers?!)
- the fence is seeing repeated mutilations for weeks
- a jumper walks up to someone working at the tower and strikes up conversation... uses a good aliby for being there and then mutates the topic onto BASE, effectively ruining that useful alibi for better situatiuons at this object and also letting the people know that BASE jumpers are actively jumping this object still, despite the fence.
- motion sensor put in, jumpers activate the alarm and boogie, never looking back to see if the heat arrives.

the fact is that people have been seen jumping this object (yourself or your cronies included), walking all around it, or actually going right up to the workers and talking about BASE.

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Rauk, does it make things better by saying "sorry"? I don't think so. I believe we are TOO EASY on the newbie punks that infiltrate our small sport.

The rangers at NRGB are having a field day busting stupid punk daytime jumpers in the last 6 months. The tally so far is 10, I REPEAT, 10 arrests in the NRGB area in the last 6 months (that I'm aware of). Ignorance of local rules is not a defense either!

No mercy for rule breakers and site burners. MH, tar and feather this punk.....it's about time we take back our objects from the newbie losers.
(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only

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Being a newbie myself, I take some minor offense to blaming the guys in general. On a local level, more objects have been burnt by experienced jumpers that just don;t give a shit than any newbies. I for one feel like I have always taken, and always will take the right paths when it comes to base. I have a whopping 6 jumps at this point, and the closest jumps to my house so far have been 2 hours or more away due to the local scene, or lack of a local scene. Anywhere I go, I ask a million questions, and expect a million answers from the local jumpers. I ask where to enter, where to exti, where to park, every last detail. Anytime any of us goes anywhere, we take the risks of burning a site, all we can is try to minimalize those risks.

Sorry to rant, just don't blame the "newbies" as a sterotype. Some of us are doing the right thing, and trying to be as cautious as possible. Take a moment and think back, you were a newbie once too...


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Damn, there is a little more to this story- mainly the other side!


Call the locals? WE ARE THE LOCALS!!! I've lived there for the last 15 years, Rauk has been born and raised there, etc... We all have over 100 BASE jumps. We are not young punks, disrespectfully tearing shit up. I've tried talking to you at the DZ, and you haven't had any interest in talking to me. Even after I have over 100+ BASE jumps. I've talked to several gear manufacturers asking them what to do when the locals are dicks, and we did EXACTLY as they said.

Don't jump that site in the daytime? Isn't it one of your own crew that finally took us up there at 3pm, when the clouds were at the DZ? We jumped it several times in the middle of the night, never considering jumping it during the day, until we were taken there by one of your leaders, who had no concern jumping it anytime... And your crew made a regular habit of hitting it during the daylight.

Wasn't it also you and two of your buddies that went to talk to the construction workers, offering them weed and Rum for a ride to the top of the construction elevator in September? Didn't your guise claim that you were concerned pilots, and that mutated into "We're BASE jumpers, can we have a ride to the top for some stuff?" That fell apart when the workers got to talking, and then the foreman and owners knew it was jumped, BY YOUR CREW!!!

Wasn't that after two of your crew climbed late in the morning, when the construction crews showed up? And didn't your crew jump right on top of the workers, 100% visible, when it was still under construction and subject to more people talking to the people that didn't need to know it was jumped? Then you came back and asked for that ride?

When did you figure out that we were jumping? How many times have we talked to your crew at the DZ, asking questions, checking in that we were going to hit it at night? Did you see me at your crews party 2 months ago, asking and asking questions? Did you even acnowledge me when I said hi hoping to ask you several questions?

How many times did you go out there to fix the razor wire that some loner kept f-ing up? How many times did you go out there, 80 miles each way, just to see if you could catch the dickhead who was smashing down the razor wire? In fact, how many times were you guys going out there to this A?

The problem is that there is a lone, incredibly disrespectful jumper, or jumpers, who was tearing the site up like there was no tomorrow. Did you ever try to fix the f-ed up razor wire? Did you ever take pictures and show them to the other crew and the top guys in the other crew? We've known about the damage to the wire for months, and kept your crew updated. If you are such a friend of the A, why weren't you guys up there fixing it and posting to the area loner jumper that you are going to f it up? Just wait until it gets burned and then post on dz.com for the whole world to see?

How many new local BASE jumpers have you helped in this area with 4 turbine DZs, and 9 million people, within the last 2 years? I know of two. One just kept jumping solo until you would talk to him, the other was a friend of someone in your crew, with no skydiving experience. Your crew took him through AFF and then into BASE, now he is seriously hurt from an accident at the cave. All within the last couple months. I would love to jump some urban objects in our town, but, due to actions by your crew, again, there are laws specifically against BASE within the city and county. Anyone else have laws like that in their city?

I'm not going to waste any more time on dz.com trying to protect my friends from your attacks. Does it make you feel better that you are threatening to tar and feather people for things that your crew has already done? And then only tell one side of the story?

Your right, a lot of people are pissed- me included. Your crew was burning this site before they even put the last section on top. You and your crew feel that just because you are MH and the CC, you can do whatever you want, and blame whoever you want.

Yes, we just started jumping within the last year, but I know from personal experience that we are FAR more stealthy and concerned about not being seen.

Don't start talking all this sh*t. I can keep going and going about the ways that you and your crew has jeopardized this areas local objects.

Thanks for nothing...
BASE - The Ultimate Victimless Crime

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Damn, there is a little more to this story- mainly the other side!


Call the locals? WE ARE THE LOCALS!!! I've lived there for the last 15 years, Rauk has been born and raised there, etc... We all have over 100 BASE jumps. We are not young punks, disrespectfully tearing shit up. I've tried talking to you at the DZ, and you haven't had any interest in talking to me. Even after I have over 100+ BASE jumps. I've talked to several gear manufacturers asking them what to do when the locals are dicks, and we did EXACTLY as they said.

Don't jump that site in the daytime? Isn't it one of your own crew that finally took us up there at 3pm, when the clouds were at the DZ? We jumped it several times in the middle of the night, never considering jumping it during the day, until we were taken there by one of your leaders, who had no concern jumping it anytime... And your crew made a regular habit of hitting it during the daylight.

Wasn't it also you and two of your buddies that went to talk to the construction workers, offering them weed and Rum for a ride to the top of the construction elevator in September? Didn't your guise claim that you were concerned pilots, and that mutated into "We're BASE jumpers, can we have a ride to the top for some stuff?" That fell apart when the workers got to talking, and then the foreman and owners knew it was jumped, BY YOUR CREW!!!

Wasn't that after two of your crew climbed late in the morning, when the construction crews showed up? And didn't your crew jump right on top of the workers, 100% visible, when it was still under construction and subject to more people talking to the people that didn't need to know it was jumped? Then you came back and asked for that ride?

When did you figure out that we were jumping? How many times have we talked to your crew at the DZ, asking questions, checking in that we were going to hit it at night? Did you see me at your crews party 2 months ago, asking and asking questions? Did you even acnowledge me when I said hi hoping to ask you several questions?

How many times did you go out there to fix the razor wire that some loner kept f-ing up? How many times did you go out there, 80 miles each way, just to see if you could catch the dickhead who was smashing down the razor wire? In fact, how many times were you guys going out there to this A?

The problem is that there is a lone, incredibly disrespectful jumper, or jumpers, who was tearing the site up like there was no tomorrow. Did you ever try to fix the f-ed up razor wire? Did you ever take pictures and show them to the other crew and the top guys in the other crew? We've known about the damage to the wire for months, and kept your crew updated. If you are such a friend of the A, why weren't you guys up there fixing it and posting to the area loner jumper that you are going to f it up? Just wait until it gets burned and then post on dz.com for the whole world to see?

How many new local BASE jumpers have you helped in this area with 4 turbine DZs, and 9 million people, within the last 2 years? I know of two. One just kept jumping solo until you would talk to him, the other was a friend of someone in your crew, with no skydiving experience. Your crew took him through AFF and then into BASE, now he is seriously hurt from an accident at the cave. All within the last couple months. I would love to jump some urban objects in our town, but, due to actions by your crew, again, there are laws specifically against BASE within the city and county. Anyone else have laws like that in their city?

I'm not going to waste any more time on dz.com trying to protect my friends from your attacks. Does it make you feel better that you are threatening to tar and feather people for things that your crew has already done? And then only tell one side of the story?

Your right, a lot of people are pissed- me included. Your crew was burning this site before they even put the last section on top. You and your crew feel that just because you are MH and the CC, you can do whatever you want, and blame whoever you want.

Yes, we just started jumping within the last year, but I know from personal experience that we are FAR more stealthy and concerned about not being seen.

Don't start talking all this sh*t. I can keep going and going about the ways that you and your crew has jeopardized this areas local objects.

Thanks for nothing...

1. I don't care if you've lived three lifetimes in the area--MY definition of "locals" is the people that have a lot of time invested in a lot of objects here.

2. You have NEVER approached me about BASE...EVER. If you want to call me a dick for not talking to you, man up and do it to my face.

3. One of my "leaders" told you to jump during the day and you did? I don't have a leader--where the fuck do you think we are? I'm not the one who followed his shitty advice to jump a tower in the middle of the day now, am I? Who's the follower again?

4. Don't confuse the actions of my friends with my actions. I would never have advised jumping any local tower during daylight. I have NEVER done a daylight tower jump on local towers.

5. If you want to ask me questions, ASK! Do you expect me to pop over and start blathering site info to you? I HAVE NEVER EVEN SEEN YOU JUMP.

6. Props to you guys for trying to catch whoever was fucking up the wire. And you're right--I didn't go out there one single time over the winter. Good on ya.

7. While I appreciate your keeping track of who I help get into the sport and who I don't, I have good reasons for helping the people I do. Those who I have helped mentor have come to me and asked me. They earned my respect for wanting to do it right. I don't want to help teach someone who I think is going to go in.
Please remember: mentoring BASE jumpers is not a job. It's not an obligation. It's a FAVOR.

8.Did I attack you or any of your friends? I think not. Re-read my previous posts. I named no-one. I attacked no-one. Get the facts straight.

9. I am not really interested in a debate either, but I welcome you to proselytize about how I've continually "jeopardized local objects." Please astound me.
And as far as you being "far more stealthy and concerned about not being seen," Please. Are you saying you've invested more into the local BASE sites than I have? Think again dude.

10. Rauk was right about one thing in particular--THIS SUCKS. We no longer have access to the only 2k stick around for hundreds of miles.

In the immportal words of Aretha:
Find out what it means to me


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Please. Are you saying you've invested more into the local BASE sites than I have?

Done. You guys can go whip them out somewhere else and see who's is the biggest.
Safe swoops

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