
Rear facing helmet camera setups??

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Hi guys.

Please can you post up photos of your rear facing camera set ups ?

I'm looking at running a rearward facing camera for some flocking (etc) and smoke jumps (non BASE). I've got a CX115 mounted facing forwards and was looking at adding a gopro pointing backwards.

I've tried a few positions on my helmet and for wing suit deployments and belly to earth they would be fine - but in a low speed malfunction (such as a cutaway from mega twists where you'd be vertical) I'd be a bit concerned about the snag hazard. I know the reserve PC should fire out a reasonable distance from me but it's that 'should' that I want to deal with!

Just wondering how people are dealing with this

So, post 'em if you got 'em.

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Why not just switch your CX115 backwards.

On both smoke/flocking jumps where you fly base or solo the forward facing camera will at best show a view resembling 2 minutes of google earth anyways.:P

Errr... I've done a few jumps and forgot to zoom my camera back out so I'd probably end up forgetting to point the camera forward again.

For example. On my 399th jump I filmed my mates landing, next up was my 400th jump (obviously) and we decided to make it an offensive jump -see who could fly and make as many rude gestures to the other person.

Reviewing the film after an awesome fun jump we found I'd forgotten to zoom the camera back out... Oooops.

Two cameras does equal twice as many chances to screw up though..

I've tried swapping the CX115 but it ends up pointing straight up and not back - unless I fly head up rather than level.
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Realise a GoPro in the location where you want it will be exactly where your reserve pilotchute passes in case you have a cutaway/reserve ride.

If the settings and aim for one camera are already tasking, adding another one 'because you forget' also doesnt sound like the best of ideas.

Granted, Im playing safety nazi here....but better safe than sorry...
If you want good video...ask someone to do outside video, and worry less about filling your body with as many gopros as possible;)

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Realise a GoPro in the location where you want it will be exactly where your reserve pilotchute passes in case you have a cutaway/reserve ride.

I mentioned that in my original post so at least I'm thinking along the same lines.

I forgot to surround my comment about forgetting to un-zoom the camera as being a good reason for adding another to highlight it was not really serious so here are some retrospective smilies :)
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Realise a GoPro in the location where you want it will be exactly where your reserve pilotchute passes in case you have a cutaway/reserve ride.

Pfffffft.... Think of the awesome video he'd get if that happened!

Skwrl Productions - Wingsuit Photography

Northeast Bird School - Chief Logistics Guy and Video Dork

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