
Packing the EXTreme FX - help!

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Next week I'll be recieving my new EXTreme FX canpy, and therefore I have been looking for information on how to psychopack it. On Icarus' webpage there is a guide: http://www.icaruscanopies.com/canopies/EXTreme_FX/packing.htm.

But what's happening on picture 3-6?

If You have some other hints on getting the best openings on an FX, please let me know.
Benjamin - Denmark

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I dunno what's going on in pics 3 to 6.
All I know is that psycho part only starts to deviate from normal Pro pack at the point when you put the canopy on the ground. So 3 to 6 are really just parts of a normal pro pack.

I would really get someone who psycho packs to show you how to do it though. Doing it from pictures may lead to strange results :S

I have no problem packing brand new canopies pro pack anyway. For me the only reason to use psycho is to get better openings.


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I have already done more than 700 psychopacks on my old Crossfire and Safire, and it works great, but if You look at the pictures on Psychopacking the Safire on Icarus' webpage, then the pictures (3-6) form the FX packing method are not shown.
Benjamin - Denmark

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But what's happening on picture 3-6?

The pictures show the steering lines being individually put into rubber bands. In these pictures the brakes are not being set for deployment and to help prevent a line-over they are taking a couple of folds of steering line a putting it in a rubber band.

I have tried this in the past and highly recommend you do not do it.

Best thing I found was after tucking the nose, pull the center cell out a little to prevent the canopy from opening folded foward with the end cells touching. I had that happen a couple of times, very strange opening.


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I definitely recommend psycho packing that thing...
Other wise you will have an opening similar to a sabre/sabre2 that has not been packed correctly...

Worst openings ever...

Never did the rubber band trick though and I have had no problems with it from psycho packing...

"The edge ... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who know where it is are those that have gone over"

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Just to clarify: You can psycho pack and set the brakes. What I don't recommend is either PRO or Psycho packing without setting the brakes. I tried it after it was recommended to me (not setting the brakes) and after one line over and then almost dying in 4 jumps of packing this way, I didn't do it anymore.


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All I can do is tell you how I pack mine and the openings are great, even in Colorado. I leave the nose completely exposed and pull the slider out in front of it. When I pull the tail around, I make only 1/2 roll which will come loose. By the time I am picking the canopy up to roll it and put it in the bag, the tail is just touching in the center. I have had zero problems using this technique (so far...knock on wood). I really believe that I could leave the nose completely exposed(no tail at all) and the openings would still be decent. Must be the closed nose or something.

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D-line line folds are taken and rubber-banded to prevent line-over. I have seen it done a number of times when BASE jumpers move to skydiving.
The same thing can be acomplished by putting a loop on your slider and banding the D's to the slider.

After seeing broken lines when this trick was used on a Firebolt I wouldn't consider it unless the MFG. insists.

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You would pro pack your FX...
I have had nothing but major problems from pro packing it...
The openings sucked all around, worse than any Sabre...
I started Pscho packing and now the openings are a lot nicer to me...
Of course my FX was made in 98 and has over 1000 jumps I figure...

"The edge ... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who know where it is are those that have gone over"

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You would pro pack your FX...
I have had nothing but major problems from pro packing it...
The openings sucked all around, worse than any Sabre...
I started Pscho packing and now the openings are a lot nicer to me...
Of course my FX was made in 98 and has over 1000 jumps I figure...

Doesn't matter to me if someone psycho packs or PRO packs, just as long as they set the brakes. That is all I'm saying.

The pictures that were being questioned showed a canopy being packed without the brakes stowed. That is what I was refering too.


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