
Working on my backflying...opinions/advice.

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Hey flockers,
I have been working on my backflying. I finally got some decent video of it.

I gotta work on opening my leg wing but everytime I try it seems to push me over into a backflip.
Any advice? I would like to be able to fall slower than I am with my position as it is. I don't think I wil be able to open the wing all the way but slightly more would help with fwd speed and fallrate.
You can see, toward the end of the video, how dirty the other flyer is.

Man, I love this sport. Im having such a blast this week.
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Start by working elbows lower down and wrist/hand higher up. Tuck chin into chest. work this position and gradually bring hands down. You'll feel the stability point. Tighten buttocks to create dearch (you're on your back), and gradually open legs. You'll feel it. The key is the elbows and hips, but eventually, you'll fly fully open on your back.
C'mon over, we'll have you solid really fast. I think I owe you a jump anyway?

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Get a cameraman who won't crash into your reserve handle! B|

But the advice above is good. Your body position is actually not that bad compared to most people starting off. I think your chest and head look pretty good... hips and arms are your last points to fine tune. Clench your butt!


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If I may add my .02 cents. I would also concentrate on rolling you shoulders back a bit. This will create a more consistent feel across your upper body. Even if you address your elbows if your chest and shoulders are collapsed and not rolled back you may not get as much benefit.

Also, don't confuse what DSE was saying about your hips with arching your back. That was something I had to work through as I would de-arch or so I thought and end up arching my back and putting me head low.

This may seem obvious, but if you have someone stacked on you watch their body position. A lot of times that can give you a heads up on how your position changes are affecting your performance before you would.
Sky Canyon Wingsuiters

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IMHO, it is not about body position, it is about speed/angle. Get used to fly at steeper angle and you leg wing will open by itself.
Camera man can help by moving forward relative to you. With his legs above you head, you will have to naturally dearch in upper torso to keep watch in camera.

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IMHO, it is not about body position, it is about speed/angle. Get used to fly at steeper angle and you leg wing will open by itself.


Camera man can help by moving forward relative to you. With his legs above you head, you will have to naturally dearch in upper torso to keep watch in camera.

Thanks we were trying that..and eventully got it. was the first time backflying and his first time flying with me while I was on my back.

I've got to get some threading repaired but I hope to get back in the sky this month
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