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Found 3 results

  1. I don't know if this is a topic that has ever been discussed, but i wanted to bring it up because I haven't came across any post. I've read plenty of articles debating a variety canopy flight and deployment characteristics, but nothing about altitude loss. I'm particularly interested in talking about the snivel/altitude loss of canopies. I understand it's nothing serious to consider when skydiving because the deployment altitude is higher than base jumping per say. However, it's something i'm personally interested in learning about and wanted to see if anyone else had any input? I've read articles about the Pilot or Safire 3 having severe snivel characteristics, so how does that relate to altitude loss? - Is a snivel characteristic correlated to altitude loss? - Is a hard opening caused by the canopy opening quicker, thus losing less altitude? Interested to see if anyone has any input?
  2. Are there differences in the design of an older Pilot vs. a new one. I know the fabric changes but do they tweak the design of the canopy over the years without changing the name? This question goes for any canopy really.
  3. Hi everyone, Feedback from current generation Icon I4 & I5 owners, and/or people who have firsthand experience with them would be greatly appreciated. - Do you have experience packing an Icon I4 with a Pilot 188(ZPX or UltraLPV) and SmartLPV 175, particularly in a warmer/dryer climate? Both canopy’s fall under “Largest Recommended”. FYI, Spectra 725 lines will be used. - Does anyone know the true pack volume of a Pilot 188 in ZPX or UltraLPV fabric? The reason I ask is because I’ve received mixed signals, definitely torn. I’m located in Southern California and have spoken to my rigger, I was told the pack volume listed on a manufactures website will not be what I should expect here, certainly larger. From my research, I've confirmed the same. However, Aerodyne’s rigger tells me she has not experienced a difference in canopy pack volumes in different climates? Aerodyne does not list 9-cell Pilot pack volumes on their website for ZPX or UltraLPV. If I wanted a similar comparison, I was told to compare a Pilot7’s pack volume considering they’re standard UltraLPV…but 7-cell? It appears I’m on the cusp of both I4/I5 containers regarding needs and experience level. My gut tells me filling an I4 with "Largest Recommended" main & reserve could be a nightmare. Thoughts/experiences? Thanks in advance.