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Everything posted by Fuzzy

  1. That's right the Otter is coming back to the 1000 Islands Region. It will be at Skydive Gananoque from July 1 to July 3 Some of the events planned are an Intermediate 4-Way Competition - Track Dives - Hoop Dives and of course the three "B"s Bon-Fires, BBQ, & Beer For more information and directions go to our web site Skydive Gananoque Or email us at [email protected] Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  2. Mark You are getting a lot of great advise here, jump suits and wieghts are very good tools that can and will greatly assist you if needed. I would ask that you please bear in mind that the people jumping with you can see something the others on an internet forum such as this cannot see. One of these things is body position & form, the other is how relaxed you are in the air (a major contributor to fallrate problems). I'm 5'10" & 220lbs out the door and had no problem popping up or getting below you on a levels dive wearing my RW suit (which is not baggy). I pushed you on that levels dive to show you what you could do and to give you an idea of what is required on some RW jumps. The more you do the easier things like that will be until they are truely second nature. I think it was mentioned in our debrief that your jump suit is too tight especially in areas that it should not be tight in . Until you get your own, try to find one that fits (it doesn't have look good, it just needs to fit) A jump suit that fits, & made out of the proper material will make things much easier, and allow you to maintain a "comfortable" arch / boxman / body position / whatever you want to call it. What will help the most is more jumps. This will lead to better technique, more confidence and being more relaxed in freefall. For the number of jumps you have, you are doing just fine. "Coach jumps" (IMHO) should push you somewhat beyond your comfort level, making you think and work. One reason they are and will not always go as well as you would like, but that means you are learning With the jumps you have, you are not expected to be turning 16 point 4-ways or be a late diver docking last on a bigway. You are expected to make mistakes, learn from them, and trust the staff you are jumping with. Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  3. Thanks And to think all it took to get that shot was to have a cute Swedish girl come to Canada on holidays, stop by the dz on a whim, and decide to do a tandem. Oh...that and a lot of luck . People are posting some very cool shots on this thread, I like it. Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  4. I wanna play too Here are a few of my more favorites The one tandem shot is obviously a crop from the other (but still thought it was cool cause we were acutally going for that shot). As much as shooting video is fun - getting a good still shot is what makes it all worthwhile for me. Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  5. Now add a few more people and a few more fluctuations. Include a linked exit that didn't go as planned and is now no longer linked. Personally a 7 point 2-way is a lot more fun than a 1 point 4-way, and 21 point 2-way - is way way more fun than a 0 point 8-way Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  6. Mark I will be sending you a PM listing skills to work on and an order to do them (a skills grid). This will help both you and anyone you are jumping with. No need to be "aggressive at bribing"...Some people may actually find that just a tad intimidating. We (the staff and other jumpers) all know who you are and that your looking for training. Take a look at the list and email me with any questions. Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  7. Mark Considering Scott Millar is supposed to be coming to Skydive Gananoque (your listed home dropzone) in August. You may want to looking into that. There are links on the web site detailing this along with links to him directly. Have you contacted either of these two people (Scott or Brian) with your concerns to see what they have to say? Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  8. Glad to hear that the battery is holding up for tandem stuff (that's the majority of what mine is used for). Hard to believe that it was easier deciding on a new canopy than it is a new camera Thanks again Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  9. Sweet - Thanks for the input Did you buy the seperate charger as well, or do you charge straight off the camera? Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  10. Thanks for the info, as mentioned I've been looking at a number of models, leaning towards the 42 or 90 if I go with the HC Series. My main concern with the 90 is the battery, not being familiar with that style. If you hear anything +/- about it, I'd appreciate knowing. Thanks again Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  11. Have read a number of the posts on this but would still like a little advise (the sales rep at the store was less than useful) Just looked at the HC42 - HC90 - PC1000 & HC65 I understand that the PC1000 has some issues in freefall when shooting straight on or from below (probably the majority of what/how I shoot since it's mostly tandem stuff). Is this still a major factor or concern, i.e. should I eliminate this from the descion list? The HC90 seems nice but the battery is pretty small (and a different style from the traditional PC/TRV type batteries and in comparsion to my current battery. It has a top loading tape (bonous). Is anyone jumping this one yet and if so any comments? The HC65 is styled after the TRV series but is apparantly discontinued. Would not let that stop me from buying it, just wondering if anyone knows of how it's standing up. Have seen coments on the HC42 and also looking at it. Comments on this camera welcome as well. I know this is a very wide range of cameras quality and price etc. but need to start looking. Also curious as to which seems to be best at "dusk/low light" or when shooting up into an overcast (white) background. Keep in mind the above questions are from someone jumping a TRV17 that's been more than good to me and my abuse, but it's starting to do funky things now and then (hense the need to start looking). Thanks Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  12. Skydive Gananoque is 15 to 20 minutes from Kingston. Straight up Hwy 15 (towards Smith Falls). Look for Sandhill road turn right. You will see signs on the highway for the Centre. We have an Otter for the May 21 to 23 weekend. July long weekend and Labour Day weekend. On the non-otter weekends we have 2 C-182's and a C-206. The one 182 goes to 12,500 if you want it. You'll see freeflying - RW - Fun Stuff etc. You can see more on the web site Skydive Gananoque We are CSPA & USPA so it's all good here When are you going to be out this way? Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  13. You're camera should be fine depending on how long it will be exposed to the cold and if it will be subjected to fluctuations i.e. warm and humid in the plane to freezing outside. Fluctuations may do more harm than anything and unless you have insulated the D-box, there isn't much you can do about that that I am aware of other than keep it as dry as possible. The cold can / will drain your batteries so if possible you may want to look at keeping them warm / up against your body until just prior to the jump. If it is only one jump or short periods of cold, I don't see much of a problem. I don't use any type of box on my video or still, and have not yet had any adverse affects due to jumping in cold (have hit temps of -20 celcius). I also take my cameras snowmobiling and have been in -40 celcius again with no adverse affect on the camera. Only shorter battery life. As for clothing - my only advice would be layers, gortex is always nice, beleclava, neck warmer etc. All of the above is said while not knowing what sort of temps you are looking at. I've worn shorts and t-shirt while others have sweaters, so....... Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  14. Hey Scottyb Good to hear from you We normally have 2 x 182's and a 206. The Otter is scheduled for the three long weekends Last year the Otter made some unscheduled visits. On those occasions we mentioned it on the web site as soon as we knew. If your camping, we have a tent area, showers, community BBQ, fire pit, bunkhouse etc. Once you cross the bridge off I-81 into Canada , we are only about 15 to 20 minutes. Stop by any time Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  15. Skydive Gananoque has the Otter back for the long weekend of May 21 to 23 (Victoria Day Long Weekend) The first of three long weekend visits. If you're going to be in the 1000 Islands Region and looking for something to do - Stop By There will be
  16. quote]Not possible at a Cessna dropzone that only has a few Otter boogies a year, Mark Never say never......... If you ask some of the people at the dropzone you are training at i.e. that small cesna dropzone called Gananoque, you would find out that it is indeed possible. Not only that, it's not un-common When I started jumping (1st sport jump at Gananoque) I did 120 jumps & bought gear in my first 5 months (packing is hard work, but it helped offset costs) Kara did "well" over 100 jumps in her first few months (again packing, a big commitment, and love for the sport) Gilles, Trevor, Will, etc etc etc Where there's a will, there's a way. There are many of us who happen to get 500 to 600 + jumps a year at this small DZ. And many of us did 17 to 20 jumps on just "one" of those Otter days. Yes, those are extremes but it is possible. Again: Maybe ask some of the people you are already jumping / hanging out with. You'd be surprised what they can teach you & and information they can pass on, in person. There are even some national and world record formation holders at Gan. I think they may have an idea of what skills you need and may even be able to help you to attain some of those skills. Once you are finished the course and on your own (so to speak) you can jump as much as you can afford to & we will be there to jump with you. Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  17. I used to have a subscription to Digital Photography - (think thats the name). Obviously geared to Digital but, seemed to have a good mixture of technical info on various camera's and peripherals, along with tips for shooting and even photo editing. Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  18. I have the same problem, so just changed the settings to not power down for 15 min in the menu settings (could go less, but this is more comfortable / less worry for me). If you do set it to less, and are worried it has powered down, it will start up again by simply opening and closing the CF door (Lew mentioned that in an earlier post - and this works for me). Depending on your setup, it should be easy to do even while wearing the helmet. Not sure why, but some people have this problem while others don't and seems to be even when wiring them the same. Someone one mentioned updating the firmware, but that didn't fix the problem (at least on mine). Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  19. We charged extra for DVD until last Sept, then just up'ed the price for VHS to match it. Like you, we found most everyone (95%+) wanted DVD anyway, so this was easier than having two prices. Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  20. Has not finalizing ever caused the disc to not play in someones player? My understanding was that this was one of the compatibility issues with some dvd players. I'm using -RW's and would love to save the finalizing time if possible, but was concerned about getting calls saying the disc wouldn't play. Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  21. We use two Sony RDR GX-7's The finalizing time for our tandem vids seems to be averaging 5-6 minutes. Not sure why (not being a techie) but the longer the video the shorter the finalizing time. Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  22. Yeah - I'll have to look into that some more, and will probably go that route once my current supply of jewel boxes are used up. Right now the jewel boxes are practically free for me, so it's always been hard to talk myself into switching over. Admittedly, it will ultimately and make for a better package for the customers, which is all part of advertising. The pricing shown on that web site would make it too expensive for us (especially since I'd be looking at Cdn $'s as well). Our volumes are such that it's easy to do this ourselves plus my printer (and wife) do a nice job without much cost so out sourcing doesn't make sense. Thanks Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  23. Are you talking about mass producing via a printing company, or just home printing? We're doing it oursleves, pre-printing up a bunch (like 50+ at at time) of inserts on a photo printer & regular paper, then putting them into the jewel cases, so when the time comes, it's just a matter of plopping the DVD in the case and it's done. The DVD's themselves are blank / no label. This way they look good, and don't cost much to do, more just the time of cutting to size. We don't do the volume of the big centres, so this system seems to work fine for us. I have played with the idea of using proper DVD boxes, but the cost of them is still a little high to warrant it as a regular thing (& they come from my company's warehouse). I will use them for "special" tandems like a relative etc. Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.
  24. Thanks - deep down I think, or should have known that but for some reason thought it was a built in software thing too Just for fun I've scanned the same negative with and without using the Ice feature - Big Difference as far as the spots and other imperfections on the negs & slides go. Someone tried to explain how it works, and that if I wanted a really sharp scan, not to use Ice but to do the work in Photoshop. I couldn't see any difference in sharpness of the scan, only in the scratches & spots etc, but I'm not a professional & only enlarged the prints to 11 x 8-1/2 so..... Do you know if that's really the case? (in regards to the scanner part not the professional part) Regardless, some of my neg's are not in the "greatest" shape so it's saved/saving endless work. Fuzzy Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.