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Posts posted by devildog

  1. rwieder


    It doesn't matter... 911 dispatchers have no authority to instruct him to do anything.

    911 Operators are following protocol when they instruct how and what people should do in certain situations. The same way they would instruct a person in a burning building how to get out safely. Is it best to listen to them? Or NOT?

    Protocol for 911 dispatchers actually is NOT to give orders at all. It opens them up for all sorts of lawsuits.

    Saying "Had GZ not followed / gotten out of his truck" is the same weak sauce, and frankly disgusting IMHO, lines that people give rape victims like "Had she not gone to the bar..." or "Had she not wore what she did..." GZ did nothing illegal and GZ did nothing to warrant getting attacked.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  2. rwieder

    Quote dare he exercise his right to go where he wants. :D

    Had he done as instructed, there's a real possibility Trayvon would be alive right now. Don't be happy because GZ got off. I remember OJ Simpson was found "Not Guilty" I was mad as hell. He killed those people and everyone knew it. He got away with it for what ever the reason. Just because he got off, doesn't mean he wasn't guilty.

    Had Trayvon not sucker punched GZ, climbed on top of him and started bashing his skull into the concrete, he probably would still be alive too. Course, since he was getting into illegal arm sales, TM might have been killed by now by some other way.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  3. kallend

    Obamacare does suck, but not as much as what we had before.

    What we really need is a single payer system.

    Because before we had less costly insurance, more doctors, and more jobs. I totally see your point.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  4. kallend

    ***On another note
    You think that this woman's "right" is unlimited?

    Or do you agree (as you have spewed before) that no right is absolute?

    Just checkin

    I believe that any mentally competent person has the right to decide what happens to their own body without government interference.

    So do 99.99999% of pro-lifers. They (we) just say your rights end when you're about to kill a baby. Maybe you're okay with shoving scissors into the back of an infant's skull (Gosnell might have some openings for you after his appeals), but I'm not.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  5. funjumper101

    You have not come up with anything positive that has happened due to conservative philosophy.

    You do realize that what is considered conservative and what is considered liberal is wholly dependent on the times, right? Liberalism a hundred years ago would have been called conservative by today's standards. So what have those awful liberals of yesteryear done? Freed slaves. Gave women the right to vote. Demanded equality in the workplace. yadda yadda (all something Democrats at the time fiercely opposed).

    But, speaking to today's conservatives, conservatives are generally happier than liberals, and report much better mental health. So in both of those regards, I'd say things have come out positive due to conservative philosophy, and arguably, those are the most important things in life anyway, to have a sound mind and to be happy.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  6. wayneflorida

    If GZ goes free I don't think there will be any substantial rioting, if any. Because the main complaint/protest at first is that people wanted GZ arrested, charged and tried. Well, he was and people have to accept the verdict just like OJ.

    Miami disagrees. So do those affected by the Rodney King riots.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  7. Channman

    Mr. Zimmerman will need to consider moving to a new country and start a new life if possible. To remain in the states and try and begin a normal life is damn near impossible.

    Yeah right. People say that, but people have a short attention span. They'll forget him in no time flat soon as the next "RAWRARWAWRAW" item pops up on radar.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  8. rushmc

    ***I dont know what the feds would be able to charge him with. With a few exceptions homicide and manslaughter are both state issues not federal.

    If it would happen, it would be on a civil right or hate crime level

    IF, it would happen

    Now that more is known about the political pressure used to get this to trial, they may not push it any further

    FBI has already come in tho and said no dice to those.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  9. wolfriverjoe

    ***Homosexuals (male and female), by a wide margin, have a much higher promiscuity rate (average number of sexual partners) than their hetero counterparts. Take that for what you will.

    Care to offer some proof of that?

    Here. Take your pick. You can find people supporting the claim. People refuting it. And everyone in between.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  10. wolfriverjoe

    If GZ can't show that all of the necessary elements of a claim of self defense were present, then his claim shouldn't stand.

    Did you catch the testimony of the 22ish year police vet the defense had? He pretty much nailed the self defense claim for Zimmerman.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  11. wildcard451

    ...while a mis-routed chest strap is of concern, this is ridiculously blown up and over-dramatized. Someone caught your gear error prior to even boarding the plane. You did not "almost die".:S:S:S

    The guy who tried to re-route his chest strap in freefall and had a cypres fire...he almost died.

    The guy in incidents who pulled low and landed 2 seconds after his slider came down...he almost died.

    Be more careful next time.

    This is a prime example of why we always need to look out for our friends. None of us are perfect.

    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  12. Iago

    Well, when they riot someone please remind them to burn down their own neighborhood first.

    Usually what happens anyway.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  13. Darius11

    Everyone knows god hates gays........:PJust kidding I am not homophobic at all.

    I honestly can only think of positive things that comes from being gay, mainly when it comes to population control, but I am sure there has to be some negatives as nothing is all positive.

    I might have talked out of my ass on that one, i cant think of one negative thing.......hmmmmmmmmmm someone jump in and help.

    Homosexuals (male and female), by a wide margin, have a much higher promiscuity rate (average number of sexual partners) than their hetero counterparts. Take that for what you will.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  14. lawrocket

    ***The FBI has already been here investigating the incident for federal charges.
    It is my understanding they declined to press charges as there were no violations of law.

    At least no violations of federal law. The Rodney King trial was about civil rights violations by sworn officers acting under color of authority. That's different from a private person.

    Of course, it doesn't mean that Zimmerman won't be charged with terrorism. Seems to be the hip thing.

    When there are riots after his acquittal, he'll be charged with inciting riots.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  15. GeorgiaDon

    ******Isn't surprising the defense with new lesser charges at 7am on summation day, charges the prosecution has no doubt been preparing for a while now, grounds for a mistrial? How in the world could that be allowed?

    Lesser charges are often included at the end in FL. Its just the way it works down here. The defense probably was prepping for it from day 1.I believe that's the way it works in every state. If you're charged with 1st degree murder, the jury could return a verdict of not guilty, but guilty of 2nd degree, manslaughter, or even aggravated assault. The "abuse of a child" I haven't heard of before.

    Think of it this way: if lesser charges are not included , then if Zimmerman is acquitted of 2nd degree murder he could be re-tried for manslaughter or assault without violating double jeopardy, since he would not have faced those charges already. Do any of you really want the state to get another kick at the can, where they could clean up some of their witnesses before putting them back on the stand?


    I don't think DJ works that way, especially since the defense was staying we want an all or nothing judgment on 2nd degree murder.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  16. NorrinRadd


    The girl at the time, then mentioned something about her having a black belt in whatever, at which point I conceded (even praised) that she was probably a skilled fighter, but that didn't change the fact that the biggest, most skilled and ripped male would hit a hell of a lot harder than whoever the top female fighter was. To my surprise, she didn't argue any further, but she wanted to.

    Most women who train seriously at martial arts are strong enough. Yes, a big burly dude can hit pretty damn hard, especially if he knows HOW to hit. But there is a threshold, and well trained women are strong enough to meet that threshold... the amount of force needed to injure, incapacitate, or knock someone out. Other important factors are speed, skill, and experience. I know personally a couple women who train quite hard... one is a competitive boxer, the other has about 8 years of Systema under her belt. They both have speed, skill, and experience. They also train with and against men much bigger than themselves. Believe me when I say you don't want either of them pissed at you. They can and WILL hurt you... a lot.

    I'm not denying that at all. There are plenty of badass females out there. That doesn't change the fact that genetics and anatomy play in the male's favor.

    Take a look at a less injury-provoking sport: tennis. There's a reason why females and males compete separately. Guys can simply drill the ball a hell of a lot harder than the gals.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  17. Darius11

    My point is what if scientist find out that African Americans do have stronger bones or muscles? If you find out that yes men are wired differently then woman and do view woman as sex objects? What if woman do become more easily irritable a week every month? What if woman do have better memory and can multi task better then men, and etc etc etc and all those things are no one fault it’s the way you are born. It is nature.

    Is acknowledging those facts in society and adjusting to it racism, sexism? Or is it just living in reality?

    I find it very odd how some things we acknowledge without any issue, For example woman have better memory, and their brains can multi task better. No one gets mad at that, but if you say a mans mind is better suited for math you’re an ass hole, and everyone mention the ONE female math PhD they read about in some article.

    My point is not to say I know what’s what but just that there is something wrong with us as a society if we cannot acknowledge truths facts about our nature just because it hurts people’s feelings.

    When I was an undergrad a long, long time ago, someone in the class brought up something about women being able to fight just as well as men and that gender differences weren't real. I pointed up, much to all the femi-nazi's dismay, I'm sure, that that was patently not true, and that males generally hit much harder than their female counter parts in various sporting events. The girl at the time, then mentioned something about her having a black belt in whatever, at which point I conceded (even praised) that she was probably a skilled fighter, but that didn't change the fact that the biggest, most skilled and ripped male would hit a hell of a lot harder than whoever the top female fighter was. To my surprise, she didn't argue any further, but she wanted to.

    Some people just can't accept the fact that there are differences, and automatically assume that if differences exist, one of the two (or more) groups has to be "bad" or "inferior."
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.