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Posts posted by devildog

  1. TracyS

    You're a legend in your own mind.

    There's a reason you don't let teenagers use the radio when they are learning to drive. It's a distraction.

    There's a reason it's against the law to text and drive. It's a distraction.

    Ever see a woman putting on make up as she's driving and swerving on the road. It's a distraction.

    Ever see a man shaving while driving and looking in the mirror as he swerves on the road. It's a distraction.

    The only thing people are advocating is that you wait until you have more experience before adding the distraction of a camera so that you don't endanger yourself, or others.
    Since they aren't telling you what you want to hear, you want to demand statistics.

    I doubt you would argue that it would be safe to allow a first time AFF jumper to exit the aircraft with no instructors present, but can you show me any statistics to PROVE that it would be unsafe?
    No, it's just common sense.
    Just like this.

    You guys should really stop feeding the troll. He's admitted to being one over in SC and its been pretty obvious early in this thread he's trolling yet again. Pretty sure you guys have made your point should any newbies find their way over here and think "I wonder if I should strap a camera on my head..."
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  2. Snorks

    Hey there, I've been jumping for a few years now and am looking into trying out WS flying and getting my first suit. I'm 6' 3" and 200lb out the door. I've heard that a person's height and weight can drastically affect the performance of the different suits out there so I was hoping to hear some advice on what would be the best suit to get. I've looked at the P3 and the T-Bird as possibilities.

    I'm 6'2" 205 out the door and love my phantom 2. That being said, I will try out an R bird / S bird next year and see if I want to switch.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  3. format


    60 seconds, that's not too long

    "Ready, Set, GO!" - that's not too long.
    Now, whether there's 5 or 55 sec freefall after - for me it's like a somewhat interesting movie and it takes time to bring it all back for cold minded analysis. Much easier to fly again and do some comparative analysis.:P You know, more data there is, sharper the results are. It's all about getting data, I think.
    Wider the bandwidth - longer the time seems.

    p.s. I read somewhere that human brain is processing 72 Gb per second?

    On a tangent, "they" don't know what the hell the brain can do. I remember years ago when the brain was supposed to be equal to a bunch 486s networked together with one really big hard drive for storage. And then they were like, "Oh, its about the same as a room full of pentium 2s" And so on. And so forth.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  4. popsjumper


    That's why we give the parachute system TWO chances, NOT THREE in trying ourselves to solve the problem.

    It's why we monitor ALTITUDE instead of time when executing EPs. That second try you're advocating may have just put you too late to save your butt.

    On the other hand ALTITUDE may allow you 4, 5, or 6 chances.

    I'm surprised that something like this wasn't your first post :)
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  5. quade


    I did a google search on how many people have been killed in the US with fixed bayonets and you know what I found? NOTHING!!!

    The same can be said of any of a number of military weapons. Doesn't mean the public should have access to them.

    Pretty sure they had bayonets when they drafted the 2nd amendment.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  6. Quote




    What a lot of people don't see are all the other crimes surrounding prostitution. It isn't just about sex. It's about the violence, the drugs, the theft, the persons crimes, property crimes. It is staggering how much crime and violence surrounds the sex trade. You can nip away at the surrounding crimes or go after the center and help deter all the surrounding crimes at once.

    Do you think that the related crime would be less if prostitution were legal?

    Research has shown that those crimes actually go up when its legalized.

    You just going to leave that sentence hanging there? No citations/links to specific supporting research? And that's only half the job, because you're also going to have to acknowledge, and then rebut, counter-concluding research.

    Do the due diligence, then come back and see us.

    I'll dig up the links when I get a chance later today. It's not like the SC is a heavily cited, peer-reviewed place :)
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  7. Quote


    What a lot of people don't see are all the other crimes surrounding prostitution. It isn't just about sex. It's about the violence, the drugs, the theft, the persons crimes, property crimes. It is staggering how much crime and violence surrounds the sex trade. You can nip away at the surrounding crimes or go after the center and help deter all the surrounding crimes at once.

    Do you think that the related crime would be less if prostitution were legal?

    Research has shown that those crimes actually go up when its legalized.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  8. Quote

    Check with TSE and your regulatory/rigging community to see if they are allowed in your Tear Drop.

    Last I knew no US manufacturer had approved them for use in their rigs in their manuals. US riggers have to follow the manufacturers manuals and so if they say only approved (by the manufacturer) AAD's can be used that's what we have to follow.

    Got this off Chuting Star

    "In the U.S., the m2 currently has approvals for use in the following rigs: Javelin, Vector, Wings, Icon, Infinity, Basik 7 and Mirage. But other approvals may already be completed as well. Contact your rig manufacturer for more information."
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  9. Quote

    I will be turning 33 in about 2 weeks. I did a tandem jump for the first time 2/15 and fell in love with the feeling of freefall so I signed up for AFF and did my first student jump 3/16.. I've completed through level 4 and plan on completing 5 and 6 this weekend <--- excited, yes!! I'm just curious about how many others have started this sport past the 30 mark. :)

    I was 33. Sometimes I wish I'd started right at 18, or even 21. But then I look back at how I was, and I probably would have killed myself doing something dumb.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  10. Quote

    With very little training, effort or knowledge you could go out, buy a firearm, load it and then kill a dozen people if that's your thing. It requires no special effort and as such is perceived as incredibly easy. Too easy in the eyes of the 'liberals'.

    Try doing that with the homemade bomb scenario... First you actually have to know what goes into it, and then in what ratios. I could GIVE you all the ingredients you need and chances are you couldn't make them explode.
    So then you have to actually make the damned stuff and construct the device itself without blowing yourself up. Then you have to fashion a detonator. Only then can you go out and kill a bunch of people...

    That's only ONE of the reasons why it's an apples / oranges comparison.

    I don't believe anyone has said that nutters couldn't use bombs to commit an atrocity. Just historically they don't... The nutters, the ones who seem to have no reason to kill a bunch of people before offing themselves, just seem to prefer guns.
    That suggests to me that we should attempt to control that situation, before looking at other ones that might further impose on peoples freedoms.

    Building a bomb is actually very, very easy. It only takes a little guidance, and in the Google-Age, a matter of seconds to find a set of good instructions. You can make very deadly ones out of plenty of easily bought things -- not even counting gunpowder which obviously is a great and easy thing to use.

    In fact, if I'm purely buying from commercial stores w/o any sort of license (like a CCW that lets you skip the waiting period), I can buy components for and build a very powerful bomb in less than a day where as I have to wait much longer as a background check puts my handgun purchase on hold.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  11. Quote

    However, with 20 6-yr olds dead I do think that we need to do something more. And then we need to enforce the laws.

    I'm good, I think. :P


    The guy broke 40+ laws. What extra law(s) could there have been that would have made him say, "Maybe I shouldn't do this." Crazy people find ways to be crazy, be it with guns or pressure cookers.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  12. Quote

    I know Uspa is talking about it. I feel the Requirements are way to low at this time. My feelings are at a 100 jumps you are still focused on your own flying where as a coach you need to be focused on the students flying. What does everyone else feel?

    When I was nearing 100, I wanted to get my rating ASAP. For a variety of reasons, I didn't until I was almost at 200 (mostly because I jump at a small dz, and lining up a time where I could get my FJC teaching portion done was getting in the way). I'm glad I ended up waiting longer. I was a good jumper at my jump number, but I certainly wasn't so good that flying was second nature enough that I could focus the majority of my attention on a student to a degree that was both useful and safe for both of us. And of course, I don't think it's *just* about the jump numbers. With jump numbers comes time in the sport, and with that time comes talking to others, learning from others, seeing and reading about accidents first hand, etc. Tunnel time can certainly teach you to guide your body against an airflow, but that's just a small portion of what goes into a skydive.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  13. Quote

    My sister lives in Boston, and her roommate was running. They are both OK, thankfully.

    For all the speculation about foreign groups, honestly, it would make total sense if it was domestic. Not sure if we have any Mass. residents here, but yesterday was Patriot's day, which is a Mass. state holiday, and many schools and businesses in the state have the day off. Basically, Patriot's day is Boston's biggest party, celebrated to commemorate the battles of Lexington and Concord (the opening battles of the Revolutionary War, for those who aren't up on their history).

    The actual battles occurred on April 19, 1775, but like many other holidays, moving the commemoration day to the 3rd Monday in April was logistically easier.

    Oh, another reason I lean toward this being domestic...April 19th was also the date of Waco and the OK city bombing. Patriot's day, the start of the Revolutionary War, etc, Some whack job guy or group gets in their head that causing maximum terror on Boston's BEST day would be somehow symbolic.

    Just makes more sense to me than AQ or Loyalists.

    My friend from Boston posted this on his Facebook just a few hours before it all happened, and it still makes me cry:


    today is my favorite day in the greater boston area when we all reflect on the hopes and dreams of common men to unite a country.. paul reveres ride... lexington and concord... today we honor the patriots who started the revolutionary war with the 117th boston marathon... 11am red sox game... and a shit load of day drinking.. good luck to all the runners and god bless america! Have a great patriots day

    That happiness and joy is what this bomber took from Boston >:(

    Domestic nuts usually aim for something Government, like a Federal building, official, etc. something that represents what they are fighting against. They certainly don't want the entire population against them. Foreign terrorists, otoh, who hate a particular country as a whole, find ample and easy targets with civilians.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  14. Quote

    Yeah I just saw that. Looked like a runner got hit by shrapnel just a few feet from the finish line. :S

    So I guess the question now is, who the fuck did this? >:(

    Al Qaida
    IRA sympathizers
    White supremacists
    militia groups (like the OKC bombing)

    I imagine we'll know soon. Groups like to take credit pretty quick.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  15. Quote

    Obviously the fault lies with Chicago's lax gun control policies. If only they'd restrict magazine size to <1, this tragedy could have been averted.


    I see what you did there.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  16. Quote



    You will note that out of 14 people injured, nobody died. I doubt that would be true if a gun where involved.

    That's because the guy used the equivalent of a pellet gun in his rampage. Sure, you could kill someone, but it's not that easy. Had he brought an assault blade (say, a katana, machete, or ax), I guarantee that there would have been a body count.

    You can kill a person with a xacto knife if you cut in the right place, like the jugular in the neck, for example. But, it's harder to do so when they're running from you or fighting you off.

    I'm aware of that. You can also kill someone with a pellet gun. It's just not easy to do, especially if they are running or fighting you off.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

  17. Quote

    You will note that out of 14 people injured, nobody died. I doubt that would be true if a gun where involved.

    That's because the guy used the equivalent of a pellet gun in his rampage. Sure, you could kill someone, but it's not that easy. Had he brought an assault blade (say, a katana, machete, or ax), I guarantee that there would have been a body count.
    You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.