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Everything posted by WickedWingsuits

  1. Nor did I say you have to. But like the Civil war, it doesnt hurt to know a bit more about the era before you start giving lectures about it It is not lecture it is an opinion. I would't dare try to our lecture some of you guys! Ok off to have a weekend. Simon Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  2. I don't think you have to fly EVERY wingsuit to be able to have knowledge and discuss them. That would be like saying to be able to write a book about the Civil War you actually had to be there. Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  3. I saw it more as an article posted because it involved wingsuiting, diverting to redundant arguments that were more of a response to who posted rather than what was posted. And then, unicorns, big and small. No elephants, but who wouldn't be curious about unicorns? but back to the topic at hand...NO BLOOD FOR GLITTER! Amen, next time I will get my secret unicorn to post interesting news...I guess I stepped on some Wingsuitnews.com toes. Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  4. Going to build a Red Flock if anybody is interested...right now it is a 1 way: https://www.facebook.com/events/291058340935581/ Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  5. Or it could be, according to Google: http://www.eatfud.com/ Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  6. Older generation suits are less safe than newer generation suits....call it FUD, BS or FACT...that is my position. Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  7. Your responses actually don't discuss the points I raise at all. Not to worry.... Let me know the dates of the next 3 Phoenix Fly courses in Elsinore, myself and a couple of my agents are going to sign up. Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  8. What is FUD? Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  9. The same weather and aircraft issues would impact your $ per jump calculations and affects the cost of ownership. Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  10. A canopy cutaway and the older wingsuit cutaway are inverse to each other. A canopy cutaway is a single handle which when pulled 6 inches will cutaway the main. The single handle is connected to two different length cables so that it pulls evenly. Grab your rig now and pull that handle 6 inches (11-ish cm), what happens? An older wingsuit arm cutaway consists of 2 cables than will only release the wings when both are pulled to the full extent of the cable and stripped. Get one out and pull both cables 6 inches, what happens? Both wings attached still eh? You and Spot are making the same argument that people made around the invention of the 3 rings. "If you can't chop both capwells at the same time then your shouldn't be jumping". I will give you more credit, I think you really have been crucial to the improvement of safety in wingsuits but you just can't help being argumentative. The point is....wingsuits have improved...can you really deny this? Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  11. Renting isn't for everyone...thank goodness or we wouldn't have enough suits to go around. However there are many oversights missing from your theory. First the classifieds might be full of suits but you have to find one that is the right style, the right size for the right price and hopefully in acceptable colors. A wingsuit isn't like a canopy...you have to find the right one. Also, do the same math for someone going from an Intro to an R Bird and spending money on each suit along the way....and include the time spent waiting for the suit...renting wins every time in both time and money. Especially time which is really what most people are short of. Wicked Wingsuits doesn't exist because I wanted it to, it exists because of demand. In regard to the cutaway cables: Put on an original Phantom, grab the cables and give them a tug but let one slip in panic. It might be halfway out but your arm is still attached to your body. Now you have one arm on and one arm off. A good system should function in less than perfect conditions, luckily all the new designs do now and a partial cutaway still gives you something to work with...bravo! Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  12. Marketing You guys turned it into marketing...and a lot of other non related issues. I listed it because it was an interesting wingsuit article comparing wingsuiting to other actives. I don't agree that wingsuiting is something you "have never heard of". Everybody I meet these days has seen Jeb and YouTube videos and knows about bat suits...they just think we can land them too. There are a few conspiracy theorists in these parts but none as extreme as my old boss: http://www.ianrcrane.co.uk/ Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  13. Just because you don't agree with them doesn't make the untrue. Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Late_Show_Top_Ten_List My writers aren't as good as Letterman's but the concept is the same. Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  15. There is so much hate for "big suits"....but what is a big suit? Where is this line drawn between a "requires great skill" and a "no skill needed" suit? Interesting, 70% of our fleet are I Bird\Intro and T Birds....S Birds make up 8% and that is the biggest suit we fly. That tells me that most people really do want to invest time in "smaller" suits. I think there are just a few bad examples out there that stick out. Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  16. Don't get me wrong here, I wasn't saying the sleeve was the best thing since sliced bread, I was using it as an example of a safety improvement. Moving the cable arm cutaway from the body to the arms so that even a little pull of the cable gives some relief is an equally valid example of a safety improvement. My point is that to get a cheap suit you have to go used and you have to accept some sacrifices in safety, performance and rigging. The older you go the bigger the gap between now and then. Just like everything else in skydiving equipment. Name me one item in skydiving equipment that was better in the past than it is now? It isn't black and white...some of those variations are worth accepting in favor of simply having a wingsuit...other are worth saving your pennies and getting a new model which will be out of date in a season but still perfectly "suitable". This is all regardless of brand, everyone has moved forward in general. You are right that I do have a bias...I won't argue that, but it doesn't make me blind or incapable of respecting or being impressed with other designs. It's like being married, you can still look right? Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  17. A few people/failed to strip the last inch?" Have you actually pulled a cutaway cable on a wing? Even if you "fail to pull the last 2-3", it's not going to be a problem. A first experience with one demonstrates as much. More FUD. The "safety sleeve" improvement finally reached a valid stage when the spandex cuff was introduced at PIA last year. Zippers have improved, but that's not a wingsuit thing. Same can be said for the zippers on boatcovers, motorcycle covers, and other high-stress zippers. Zipper manufacturers have improved their product. Fabrics have also improved. Pressurization methods have improved. Aerodynamic design has improved. And our attention to detail and understanding of the process of wingsuiting has improved. It's genetic. It's how most any evolution occurs; we're not special. Yes I have used wing cutaway systems on a Firebird and a Phantom...unless one of my concussions is working against me I recall that it was only when the last few tabs were released would the arm actuall release from the body of the suit. So, you could probably get away with 1 inch...as it would be in the last tab, but my point is you have to strip the cable to get wing and body disconnect. Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  18. When done in addition to cutaway system, a large convenience and arguably a minor safety improvement for certain situations. When done in replacement of cutaway system, I do not agree. I would say that sleeve fits into major safety improvement. I had a toggle fire on a suit that allowed me to release the other toggle immediately. On my older suit with cutaways I always wonder what the outcome would have been. I know a few people that used cutaways and failed to strip the last inch and of course the wings stayed attached. I would also suggest that by having them be easier to rig they are therefore less likely to be rigged incorrectly which is also a safety issue. I don't have facts, but I suspect there are far less zipper failures than there used to be, that also is a safety issue. Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  19. If you look in the classifieds you will tend to see that the production suits aren't sold at much of a saving at all....so for about 20% less you get colors that you didn't pick and probably a not so great fit. If you really want to save you have to buy older technology...they still fly of course but we all know that each generation of suits has a pretty dramatic improvement in safety, performance and ability to rig on a 10 minute call! A wingsuit is the only piece of skydive equipment that I have ever custom ordered, I just think the fit makes such a big difference. Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  20. 200$/month rental looks a pretty good deal especially if someone is considering changing wingsuits (e.g: going from a beginner wingsuit to a more complex one thereafter). Exactly. Most customers rent T Birds while waiting for the "more" complex suit to arrive. Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  21. In that case you must be either: i) Buying really cheap wingsuits or ii) Spending way too much on your rentals Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  22. Really? Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  23. He did say plane.... Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  24. On both sides.....inflation affects performance but how much does it REALLy affect stability??? This is nothing like wearing half a wingsuit, there is still a boat load of fabric there. ..and that might just be the problem! Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com
  25. Deal, I am game. Want to place a bet on it because I would bet $100.00 that I don't go into an uncrontolled roll. I am 100% serious. You can even have someone sew up the vent on one side. Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com