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Everything posted by Ryye

  1. Wow, I had no idea that it required a B-license. I could definitely understand about the winds though, considering it is RIGHT next to the ocean. Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  2. I simply did a tandem jump there, but I had such a good experience with the people and the location that I think about it still. Maybe some of you guys will recognize the instructors...? Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  3. Anybody ever jump in Hawaii at North Shore? It was a blast and I was just curious to see if anybody else has been that way. Also, anybody know what kind of plane this is? I'm new to the sport :) Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  4. I greatly appreciate it, and i'll definitely send you a message the next time I head there. Thanks again. Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  5. Hello! I've surfed this website for a good time now and made a profile not too long ago. I enjoy reading these forums because I find out new information everyday. I completed my AFF training in May 2010 and have done a few jumps since then (i'm at 18 now) and I am working towards my A-license. i'm currently Active Duty Navy in San Diego, CA so I usually jump at Skydive San Diego (where I got my AFF completed) and plan on going to Perris relatively soon. I'm originally from Valley Springs, CA and live about 30 minutes from Lodi, CA. I have not jumped there yet but it will happen soon when I get my own gear. I appreciate all of the information and safety tips that you guys provide, and I plan on meeting you at local DZ's one day if i'm fortunate enough. If anybody is close by, please PM or let me know. Since i'm working towards my A-license, it would be nice to get some coach jumps and learn from the best. Thanks a lot guys (and girls), have a good one! Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  6. At first, I didn't understand why you would need so many jumps to fly camera. After reading the forums there has been a lot of clear examples that messing with a camera can take away your attention from what's really important. There are many things that can go wrong on the ride up or during freefall so I imagine that it comes down to taking each step one at a time! Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  7. He graduated AFF, not his A-license jump. I'm in the same boat but being in the US Navy, it's hard to find time to jump! Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  8. I already stated earlier "I would never consider using music even after I had a few thousand jumps. I have so much to learn that the list is endless." Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  9. The first jump is always the scariest. It's also the jump that I always tell myself "Let's just take it easy the first time around and then go from there..." lol. Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  10. Right before pull time? I usually don't get nervous during the actual free fall, but I do think about the parachute opening properly but who doesn't? When I look back on it, the entire skydive is mostly a blur until your floating safely to the ground... Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  11. I don't know about you guys, but I still get nervous before every jump. Even if it's my 4th or 5th jump of the day I always get that little ounce of adrenaline before I make the leap. Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  12. It's funny to go back and look at some of the videos of your very first jumps as well. I got a video done of my AFF level 1 jump and it's almost embarrassing to look at how inexperienced I was. It's just one of those things... Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  13. Tetra, you're exactly right. I would never consider using music even after I had a few thousand jumps. I have so much to learn that the list is endless. I honestly forgot all about the search option. I should have thought about that before I posted this. I hope this thread wasn't repetitive. Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  14. Listening to music during freefall would definitely pump up your jump, but are there rules against this? It's almost the same as exiting into a cloud. They say that you aren't "supposed" to, but people still do it... Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  15. I've seen a few guys at my local DZ wearing headphones prior to exiting the aircraft into freefall. How do you guys feel about this? I could only imagine that this would be a safety hazard and could definitely distract someone in an emergency. Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  16. I did the EXACT same thing on my first solo jump after AFF. I told myself that I didn't want to get too crazy immediately after being a student so I went out there and did absolutely nothing haha. However on the next jump, I was doing front/back flips, 360's and it felt so amazing to look up and around and see nobody around me. I always hated being looked at the WHOLE time I was going through my AFF level's so I felt that I truly accomplished something. I did my first two way about 2 months ago and now I see exactly why people love jumping in groups! Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  17. I'm active duty Navy in San Diego and I did all of my AFF course at Skydive San Diego. It took me 2months (March-May) to get qualified with my horrible schedule but I manged to do it eventually! Been loving it ever since... Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  18. Hello to all. I finished my AFF jumps about 3 weeks ago and want to start working on my A-license. I have the A-license card and i'm assuming that I have to pay for someone to jump with me and get my A-license card signed off correct? Is this what they refer to as coach jumps? New to the sport, bare with me. And thanks for all the advice. Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  19. Man oh man, that's quite a story. Was the tension knot caused by your own fault? From the looks of things, it seemed that you definitely knew what you were doing so good job on that! Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  20. Ryye

    Next step after AFF?

    A lot of excellent information here and I appreciate you taking the time to write it all out. After reading several of the posts in my thread, I now understand that I have a lot of work to do, and also to have fun while doing it. I appreciate all of your guys's advice and will definitely take it into consideration. Thanks! Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  21. Ryye

    Next step after AFF?

    Being able to fly with a buddy would be amazing, but i'm being told that I am unable to do that until I get my A-license. I suppose this goes hand in hand with what was mentioned about 100 jumps first. After reading through a few of the posts, sitflying isn't going to happen for a while. I totally agree with the other things mentioned such as flying upside down, knee turns, etc... I appreciate the advice and it will be fun to get out there this weekend when I get a chance. Thanks again. Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  22. Ryye

    Next step after AFF?

    Yeah, I totally forgot about working on my license requirements, there are many things on there that need to be completed. 100 jumps seems like a lot to do simply belly flying because all I can think about is working on my tracking and maybe perfecting my flips. Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  23. Ryye

    Next step after AFF?

    Hello everyone. I recently completed my AFF course and am starting to fly solo. I am confident and fluent in my flips and spins and wanted to get a recommendation for the next step. I assume it would be sit flying but I don't want to jump into things too quickly and miss a crucial step in my training. Any advice you guys can provide would be excellent and I appreciate everything. Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  24. I've got a young gun at my home DZ who's 20 and has over 1000+ jumps with zero cutaways. He's even got videos of blindfolded pack jobs that's he's jumped. It's just the way the game is played I suppose. Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.
  25. Taking your first AFF1 course will teach you everything about malfunctions, how the rig works, the in's and outs for the most part. I am learning more on a daily basis just by being at the DZ. I just passed my AFF7 yesterday! Some of the greatest accomplishments were done by people too stupid to know they were impossible.