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Everything posted by dreamdancer

  1. perhaps they should consider this... http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/11/22-6 stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  2. 5 red flags... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  3. that's 4 red flags... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  4. that's 3 red flags - you're on a roll... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  5. that's 2 red flags... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  6. Take your own advice, first. my advice is to stop making the exact same personal point to the exact same person over and over again. we'll count your red flags if you slip... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  7. just stop stalking the same person with the exact same personal point. we'll count the red flags as you try to end this habit... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  8. billvon's making it personal by making things up... (shouldn't you be off stalking kallend) stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  9. Just where did I or anyone else say that voluntary donations would replace taxation? We didn't - so, can you kindly quit playing with your strawman? The stuffing is getting everywhere. Thanks for proving that *your* greed is evidently ok, though. once AGAIN you make it personal - the mods should be getting fed up of this... *yawn* Seems you understand the meaning of personal attack about as well as you understand economy or politics - that is to say, not at all. Shall I point out all the personal remarks you've made to people, or do you just want to abandon the point before you look any more foolish? you're just about stalking with your constant 'you won't contribute voluntarily' to the same individual - over and over and over again (dozens of times now). perhaps we should have a red flag system for you... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  10. Just where did I or anyone else say that voluntary donations would replace taxation? We didn't - so, can you kindly quit playing with your strawman? The stuffing is getting everywhere. Thanks for proving that *your* greed is evidently ok, though. once AGAIN you make it personal - the mods should be getting fed up of this... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  11. so you have no point - as usual... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  12. Prove it. Until you can document something, you're just repeating shit you've heard. you appear to be the one repeating shit you've heard. have you never heard of personal responsibility... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  13. that's why this occupation is staying decentralised... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  14. you're pissing in the wind mate - this video and others have gone viral. the world is watching. the 'occupiers' are winning hands down... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  15. your point and your source... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  16. http://www.commondreams.org/further/2011/11/20-0 stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  17. we understand the police were only following orders... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  18. let them eat cake... http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2011/nov/20/walmart-gallery-crystal-bridges-museum stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  19. you take a good, long look in that mirror there cowboy... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  20. http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2040882,00.html[/repl That's his opinion. Everyone has one of those. Chuck and some are worth more than others... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  21. There's another way to stop the "War on Drugs". The dopeheads actually stop using the stuff. Imagine how much that will decrease the violence, lower costs associated to fighting it and clean up some communities if there's a considerable drop in demand. . . Naah, the recreational users would never do that. Easier to push a "solution" that benefits them. and if only people would stop having sex outside of marriage - or getting drunk, or gambling, or taking up risky sports... We have a "War on infidelity, inebriation, poker and skydiving"? Although, just like recreational users, some of these activities can bring its drama onto other peoples' lives who don't want it. by your logic they should be illegal too. then we can start a 'war' on them... By your logic, drugs should be legal. Continue to cause hurt and discontent, even death to others so you can "express your liberties" (get high). Very selfish. Mexico is decriminalized. Their issues got worse. Didn't work there. that's because mexico has a long land border with a country that is a huge importer of illegal drugs. mexico will be better off when that country gets the balls to change their racist founded 'drug' laws and not whine about what others do... Now you are getting it. We are harming other people by being selfish. No one use drugs, no demand. No war on drugs. No drug violence. No addictions. We can change laws(won't decrease harm) or cause laws to be obsolete. Of course neither will ever happen. One's extrememly risky and the other, you can count on douchbags to be self-serving. This is evidence that "legalize" arguments are naive and/or self-serving. They have the gall to say it's the "laws" that cause it and completely ignore personal ongoing behaviors that continue to validate these laws in place, irrelevant of the racist origins. so we've all got to stop drinking because you say so. you'd have thought that you'd have learned from that failed experiment on turning back the tide of human nature. but obviously not. there are still 'absolutists' who believe that the future of people is forever and forever without drugs - dream on laddie. hundreds of thousands of years of human history tell us otherwise... ?? Drinking is legal. Certain behaviors associated with drinking is illegal. We're talking about War on Drugs here. Focus. . . You missing what I am trying to say here when i said: ". . .We can change laws(won't decrease harm) or cause laws to be obsolete. Of course neither will ever happen. . .". I've already been telling you it's impossible. Again, the whole "everyone should stop doing drugs and the war will end" statement is just a point that exposes drug users self-serving attitude. alcohol is a drug and so should be illegal by your definition. thinking that people are going to stop using drugs because another group of people (for racist reasons) say they can't is a denial of human reality. you might as well ask everyone to stop having sex - ain't gonna happen - ever. stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  22. You mean the video with the people sitting across a walkway refusing to move, thus causing a public disturbance and an unnecessary interference with the rights of the other students? Yeah, I watched that one. The officer clearly displayed the big red bottle of OC spray, the people know what is going to happen if they refuse to move, they still refuse to move, force is applied as necessary to restore order. the big brave police will soon be brandishing their guns at unarmed protesters - we all know what will happen then... (how's your dates with bubba cumming along markswoman?) stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  23. this guy should know... http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2040882,00.html stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding