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Everything posted by dreamdancer

  1. agreed... (then the state doesn't have to do it) stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  2. necessity is the mother of invention... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  3. which one are you? stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  4. that's right. BILL is the flipper. i was holding to white. billvon was holding to black. we now know that black and white are not the only colours... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  5. the minimum wage needs to regain its historical 'real' value - which has been allowed to depreciate to a ridiculous level... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  6. Right or wrong, it was his choice. It is not a basis to pass laws requiring others to do so. there are already minimum wage laws - the numbers just need to be updated... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  7. ok - you've done a logical 'flip'. well done - progress... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luddite stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  9. You are wrong in your argument, whether or not Ford was right in raising the pay of his decreased workforce 60 years ago. From a business perspective if teh government forced a doubling of minimum wage, I would fire half my staff and force the other half to work twice as hard. Result, productivity up, unemployment up, Economy in tank. you agree that your productivity would double... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  10. and to take your argument to its end point - the 1% make huge sums of money, eventually unbalance the economy, and the system then crashes... (very marxist) stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  11. absolutely true however, you are not making that case - you are making the case that increased wages will increase productivity - which is only true on a preferential basis add up all the preferential cases (like ford) - and you have a macro effect... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  12. In all fairness, a devaluation of the US Dollar is exactly what the US needs to deal with their debt load. However, raising minimum wage is not the way to go about it. it's exactly the way to go about it... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  13. there's been an active policy to devalue the dollar - that's how the us is maintaining its competitiveness. i agree with you that raising the minimum wage has the same effect as quantitative easing (except the result is much greater ast it comes from the 'ground up' and not 'trickle down')... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  14. so a level playing field across companies is achieved and the economy is balanced back towards labour and not 'making money from money'. result... (with the added benefit that the demand for migrant labour is reduced) stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  15. so was ford right or wrong to increase the pay of his workers? seems to me he was right... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  16. seems to me you're argueing against the nature of the modern economy - growth is gained through increased productivity. you seem to be argueing for the 'luddite' camp. please make yourself clear. was ford right or wrong? in your analogy there will be no-one able to buy the cars as the majority will be unemployed. the system will then crash presumably (you tell me)... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  17. so ford was wrong to raise the pay of his workers... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  18. good job lads - medals all round! stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  19. well the two examples we've specifically talked about- Ford pays more, but replaces 10 workers with 1, and the recent checkout clerks - replace 4 people with 1, maybe pay more. These clearly increase unemployment. Ford's time was one with two world wars, few working women, and a Great Depression. Our time has yet to be written, but there's no reason to think that "saved" money will quickly translate into work for the displaced checkers. so ford didn't hugely increase productivity through mass production - he merely 'increased unemployment'. methinks your analysis needs more work... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  20. more devastation... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Vincennes_(CG-49) stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  21. you really don't learn do you billvon... meanwhile i didn't realise calling someone a 'luddite' was such a serious offence. now, do you agree with ford - or the 'luddite' camp... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  22. raising the minimum wage will help rebalance the economy - you say it will raise unemployment. i disagree... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  23. excuse me - i'm the one who got banned for advocating just such a thing and calling those who disagreed 'luddites'. keep up billvon... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  24. the socialist right have the greater... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  25. http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/11/30-2 stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding