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Everything posted by dreamdancer

  1. if you don't know who the 1% are (and bloomberg is a good example) then you have the massive problem... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  2. Define 1%. the 1% that bloomberg owes allegiance too... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  3. yep, bloomberg is one of the 1% and that's who he's standing by. and now we all know his stripes. meanwhile round two is about to begin... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  4. and it was bloomberg, one of the 1%, who said that he alone gave the final decision. we all now know that he stands with wall street and not the people. round two coming shortly... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  5. you mean when/if the protest is no longer peaceful. at the moment it's all legal... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  6. http://www.alternet.org/newsandviews/article/731525/seattle_police_pepper_spray_84-year-old_activist%2C_priest%2C_pregnant_woman%2C_among_others/#paragraph2 stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  7. a car park is neither a car nor a park... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  8. We have fusion power right now. It's called "SOLAR". and very nice it is too - but not an economic game changer stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  9. there are two economic game changers that may work out - fusion power and quantum computing... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  10. and how is the rule of law imposed on the ruthless... Through the courts. I'll assume you actually are intelligent enough to have known that. so out of anarchy arise courts... (an invention of the 99% not the 1%) stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  11. the only riots are those put in your head by the criminal murdoch family... who are busy hacking into murder victims and veterans phones to get their 'news' just for you. stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  12. not as pathetic as hacking into veterans and murder victims phones to get their 'news'. your blind belief in the criminal murdoch family is cute. i'm sure they'd give you a pat on the head if you ever get to meet your heroes... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  13. read it years ago. do you know how to impose the rule of law on the ruthless... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  14. these would be the riots invented by the criminal murdoch family and their mouthpieces... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  15. and how is the rule of law imposed on the ruthless... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  16. so the financial crash wasn't a surprise to you... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  17. Leader? I thought you had appointed yourself, Dreamy. Are you now hopin' that somebody will explain this OWS thing for you? i expect the financial crash was a surprise to you... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  18. Your glorification of anarchy shows that you're already past that point, Dreamy. now tell me who the leaders of the occupy movement are cap'n... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  19. so we'll have another great, global labour wave - and then corruption... another great mass of murders and persecution and genocide and war and massive human suffering. Which also, historically, accompanies such movements... yep, history sure is going to be interesting. europe and the us recede, china ascends and a great, once in a century, clash between labour and capital builds up. we'd better all keep our heads... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  20. so we'll have another great, global labour wave - and then corruption... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  21. What do those acts of civil disobedience have to do with anarchy or freedom of speech? and then there was a war... (eventually you'll put the dots together) stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  22. http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2011/11/15-0 stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  23. like the lesson of the great war... Which one? The Communist revolution in Russia or China? this one... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Workers_of_the_World stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding
  24. like the lesson of the great war... stay away from moving propellers - they bite blue skies from thai sky adventures good solid response-provoking keyboarding