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    SLG Germany
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  1. hey did´t see that thread yet, so I asked in the Video-Forum. maybe somebody has got the same problem:;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread thank you! stefan
  2. Hey! After the new update for my gopro ( one picture every second instead of 2 seconds) the first handcam fotos in the door are extreme overexposed, maybe the first 3-4 Pics. I´ve got this problem only in the 1 second mode, in the 2 second mode everything goes well. another hc-Tandemmasters with that issue or ideas about that? thx Stefan
  3. this is our youtube channel: Skydive Stadtlohn in Germany... I did just edit a new video with footage from may 2010 enjoy
  4. optik illusison cx105/ x-dream optics 0,3 eos 450 kit hypeeye D pro still and video topmount
  5. @bolas well... if your profile is correct you are jumping a sabre 2 @1.7 with 1000 Jumps in 8 years, which is an average of only 125 jumps/year Do you really think you are more current than me? I started jumping in april 2007 and did aprox. 450 jumps in the last 12 months/ nearly 750 since 2007 But i´m not surprised that this thread is going into a "experience-non experierence discussion"... Why not getting a second crossfire or katana? a VERY good deal on a sabre 2 and it´s only for my backup rig, I´m interessted in the following: what kind of performance the sabre 2 will loose beyond a WL of about 1.7? Flare? surf? i´m sure that the chute will still keep flying but what exactly will suck at a higher wingload? thanks to the guys who could make contructive posts..
  6. oh thank you for this helpful commend......
  7. Hi! Is somebody here flying an overloaded Sabre 2? I can get a decent deal on a 107.... I like to know how it performs at a wingload of aprox. 1.9. I will demo it when the wheater is going to be better but maybe you can answer my questions. I now that it isn´t the recommended WL of PD but do you think it is too high for a Sabre 2? need it for my backup primary chute is an x-fire2 119. What do you think about the swoop performance of the 107 sabre2 in comparsion to the x-fire2 ? thx
  8. I have got a G4 MX.....very tiny conainer with hip-rings only. Ordered a tight fit from mirage and haven´t these problems. My rig has cut-in laterals. The Rig is placed absolutly bombproof on my back in every body position... but I saw some G4`s with unisyn harness (Hip & chest rings) which have waay to much flexebility at the shoulders/ yoke part. I don´t want to lose my Rig in a premature opening flying Headdown, so I got only the hip-ring option.
  9. hey... just got my new small Mirage G4mx last week! Ordered it at the beginning of october. x-treme fast delivery time (to germany)...and everything is PERFECT..... It really fits like a glove and i´m totally amazed about the quality of the G4!! Thank you Mirage!! Now I´ve the best container system on the market with the best reserve (PD optimum 126) and the best aad (german one..) :)