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Everything posted by richravizza

  1. It Doesn't It Removes his personal responsiblities,inserts the gov't, and removes his Money,Freedoms and Choices.
  2. and his lessons seem to echo true to this day. "Is is really true, that political self interest is nobler some how than economic self interest?" Yet we seem to demonize economic self interest as Greed? Socialism as we know it in America has been a complete failure and like the insane, Americans believe, this time it will be different. Every form of socialism turns into a Ponzie sceme, putting the cost on Future generations. SSI,Medicare,Now the ACA. When does the madness end?
  3. Thought a little youtube video may Open your mind and eyes.
  4. Bill , you like? I found this Hope for us future Retirees. Jobs, infrastructure,national strength security,environment Not a Dime of Tax money, Capitalism is a Wonderful thing.
  5. I think you guys got me all wrong, I'm not here tryn to PUSH a SPEC STOCK. I beleive this is going to transform the way we treat this disease, around the world. This isn't only about the stock, its also about the visonary mann. Ford,Jobs,Gates,why not Al Mann.. Very few times in our lives do we recognize these leaps in technology,or hear opportunity Knock. So here I am, just saying KNOCK, Knock. Please note the comments..
  6. An Optimist, ..........nice. I Hope to have that drink with you, real soon. I'll Try not to get off track. I can't get that fucken song out of my head.Can do,Can do, DAMN IT I like your discipline,HELL no,I don't have all my eggs in ONE Stock/basket.A Full position is no more than 20%, or 1 of 5or6 positions. I (we all)work too hard, for the liitle I have, to be reckless/Gamble. Yes 3rd review, 3 of 3. FDA Phase 3 trials are completed. What major pharma Co. isn't on the Hunt.You bet mouths are watering. "Big Mergers"are abound. Great point, Mannkind didn't stake their future on one drug,the co was founded for the one Drug/Technology. Al Mann has done this many times.His insulin pump Co.(MEDTRON) i think was the name.Was formed for the one purpose to realize his Idea of the pump,he then sold it. Thats' what I meant, when I said. "this is not his first rodeo." Why would you think it could be a Zero? I don't think 14 of Americas best/brightest got it Wrong, do you? Biotechs are scary; Lots of risk/reward. but hey, that is why we Jump, i mean invest. I like to buy in increment of 10%,every month or so when what I want,is on sale. So, I cannot buy it all, at the wrong price. Incremental Buying/Dollar cost averaging, is my saving grace, and protects me from myself.It's a Murphy's law,and never fails,I 'll buy a starting position,and in a month it's lower than my first purchase.This way I can Buy more on the Cheap.
  7. Seems I've answered many of your Questions. But you haven't directy answered one of mine. Instead you answer with a Question? I have No idea what the Camo question is to invoke? ya i fell for it, i suppose.
  8. Thanks for the Laugh, and the Info: CAP LOCKS ON, ATTACK...
  9. OK, well, Bot this, Look up MNKD. Hold it in your File of shoulda,Coulda,wouldav's. Have you been Burned? seems like Most here, have. Doubt and deep regret seems to be your Motivation. why the hostility?
  10. Everything seems rooted in or ends in Politics.Damn the NOISE. Opportunity or personal Gain, NO way. Why so TABOO? Abby-normal ?
  11. Quite possibly, but he's been registered here for five years. And the amount of stock boost he would get off this site is miniscule compared to what he would get just spamming email and cell phones. This isn't a penny stock. I'm not a backer because biotech is a crap shoot in a casino. Other companies have tried this before and failed, but if they learned not to repeat the mistakes of the past AND can find a good partner, it can make a nice return. Still not something to which I would commit more than 1-2% of a portfolio. The risk is too great. I'm quite new to forums, I Don't Know if It is Concidered Rude,to comment on what you said to Someone Else? Please let me Know if I'm out of line. So First off, My motivations for the post; Work SUCKS..., We All have Better thing to do. Financial Independence won't Happen no matter how many Oil changes,and Brake jobs I Do. This bio tech Crap shoots Has 14-0 Odds in "my"favor(ADCOM) NO ONE VOTED AGAINST IT. and NO ONE has Done what Mannkind has achieved. I find it amazing that Skydivers, out of all the Groups of people out there, are so Risk Adverse. 1-2% WTF? Why even Bother? I started my position over a yr ago,built it up to no more than 10% as a Speculative Play,since then, i've made it a Full Position. What makes you think the partners and agreements aren't already in Place? What about the Technology itself , do you think perhaps,it could be adopted to instant pain releif, or a way to admin. other Ultra rapid acting Medications ect... Can Do, Can Do..
  12. You mean I'm a Dreamer? or Perhaps we can start a thread on the differences and similarities of Gambling and Investing? or How disruptive Technology eats the Old competition and Dominates IT'S New Market. or How even wrench, can beat the Pros,at their own GAME? Ya I'm a Dreamer,it's the American Way! How about this One; The U.S. insulin market is 5.5 Billion World wide insulin is 50 Billion and Both Grow @ 10% a Year. So in 7yrs the Markets Double. IF and that's a Big if, MNKD can Capture 50% of that 100 Billion Dollar market.and There are 400 million shares outstanding in Mannkind. 50Bill/400Mill = $125. Last month it was $6.00 NOW THAT"S California DREAMIN. thanks for the vid it was Quite American.
  13. Not true for Type 1 diabetics. But you're right in that many Type II diabetics can become insulin dependent, so some will say that. We have a few technologies coming to a head at the same time; inhaled insulin, continuously monitored blood glucose will trump them all and become treatment of choice. Elvisio "cool stuff" Rodriguez I Fix'd it for You,did you notice,he administered the Insulin ONE HANDED
  14. 7-10 Yrs? I been sitting on my biggest LOSER (-40%)since O got Elected the First time. On the hopes of a National Transportation Energy Policy. I was Wrong, and (CLNE) Clean Energy Fuels was my play, I hope it doesnt take another 7-10 yrs.Damn the ___PAIN!!! IT'S BEEN Costly,without profit and SLOW ENOUGH, but understand... Boone Pickins is the Leading Proponent of this,and there is some serious Bad Blood. Aint no Way O and his tree huggers, are going to Get in Bed with Boone. Until we get some leadership on Both sides, and Hand Shaking. Both Sides will cut off their own nose, in Spite of the other. I'm hanging out for the long haul, Sooner or Later they'll come together, I hope...
  15. As a Free market capitalist at heart, I couldn't agree with you more. I'd love to remove ALL the subs. and let the true market price, and demand, prevail. We could then compare apples to apples. But that aint the USA we now live in. edit/ What Do you guys think of Paying Tesla $5000 a car,so the owner of a $100,000 Car; get to pay Less and the Co.makes more?
  16. Great point, But the Base price with the electric(Hybred) will still put it out of reach for most Americans, and without the Gov't subs makes it even more expensive. Why not give the subsidy to a NG only vehical,and make the tech more accsessible to the median America. The fuel is clean,Cheap and domestic a Great selling Point Most Americans would buy into, because of instant savings. America wants a vehicle/ fuel that makes a meaningful impact on their Finances, then the environment. I think we're still in the time frame of ; What comes first the Chicken or the Egg.
  17. It will take time and $ but NG will substitute coal. NG is being use as a Transportation Fuel. Clean energy fuels for the last 6 yrs . has been the tip of the sword. First is the nat gas highway, 75 filing stations a yearfor the last 5 yrs. all @ major junctions.(I-5@ the I-10,20,40 ect..) Garbage trucks(nastybastards)local stop and go, house to house,belching Particulates, sulfer diox.and heavy metals. U.S.Trash fleet of Nat Gas trucks was 6-8% of the entire US fleet some 6 yrs ago. Now, they make up some 86% of new trash truck fleet sales. City Busses run all over town(Valencia, CA.) and I swear they have electric motors they're that clean burning. LAX and most International airports entire fleet is running NG. and FED Ex, and UPS are now in the testing phase. I agree: A Nat gas Honda Civic produces Less G.G. emission than a PRIUS,Fact. The cost is some $5,000 less than a highbred, and because of the price differance in fuel is cheaper cleaner to operate. OUR TRUTH WILL BE TOLD, but Now it's rests on deaf ears.
  18. I think you got me all wrong. You bet I Think the U.S.should develop these resources it only makes us stronger as a nation. But I do not think they should be developed to destroy our water supply, no brainer. But our media with hollywood has made an Alternate Reality you speak of. "Please do not get me wrong... develop the resource but everyone involved has to do it the right way.. do not cut corners and protect people and the environment." I think we AGREE?
  19. NO,i don't why? The hill of western PA. have been leaching nat gas for 1000's of years .Coal bed methane,natural decompostion..are all natual to the geology. "Frack Land"and Garbage reporting only hurt the real issue. When bone heads run around making up stories, twisting the fact,and then call it a Documenary. Anything you say will be taken with a grain of salt. As my daughter said Dad just youtube it "truthland".
  20. Just to add, for those who may be interested in investing in Mannkind the Co. The calandar is full of events June 2,7,10 or 17th,Healthcare Conferences for Goldman Saks, Piper, and Wells Fargo.So we can expect big moves as the big boys,learn about the opportunity and start to buy in. Next month 7/15 is FDA ruling date, and partnership agreements with Big Pharma if the FDA green lights use for the Public. Then additional partners for International Distribution, and of course EARNING reports every quarter,as far a the eye can see..
  21. When you drill your own water well into a nat gas pocket then try and collect on the bogus claim. Your creditiblity goes out the window. Frackland mania here we come.
  22. and already has.. The Technology and improved Fracking fluids aka types of sands used,and 3D seismic imaging,has contributed the most to SAFE and Profitable exploration and production operations. I needed to edit; ALL aspect of these operations are the Safest they have ever been. BUT MOST IMPORTANT:the part of the pipe that may pollute our Water. the well head i think its called. The WELL HEAD Construction standards are NOW,incredible!! 3 or 4 pipes within a Pipe. Monitoring ect... But, the Methane issue has Opened our eyes to new technology.Huge Dumps are now collecting Methane to make electricity out of THIN AIR. Damn this is a great country!!
  23. Cut off your nose in spite of your face? I Think your full of Shit.. Your Witch hunt means Nothing in the Big Scheme of things. I'm sure you'r a graduate of "Frack Land the Documentary". LOL They tried to shove that shit Down my H.S. daughters Throat. Go to the nat gas .org website and educate yourself. On Methane emission reduction. I know there have be accidents.They're going to happen in the Future. But nothing Changes the FACT. The USA is the Saudi of Natural Gas..and WE Will Build IT.
  24. O announced tighter standards Today. We will allways have the coal in the ground,just in case we need to warm the Plant back Up.LOL His plan is to use US natural gas as a substitute. Seeing we are the Saudi Arabia of the worlds Nat Gas supply Why not? This is One of very Few of his policies, I see as a Good Thing.