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    Cleveland Parachute Center
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  1. I have several e-mails with attachments. I am unable to view the attachments because there are no buttons to click on.
  2. I've seen it happen once and I've done it once. The first time I jumped the load before had two students who were just too scared to jump. I rode the plane down once because of engine trouble. We would have jumped but we were below 1000 feet.
  3. Yes, yes! I am a tech and if ya need some help I'd be happy to. I'm not trying to be an extremist and I don't think I am. I think the site is great. Especialy the e-mail. I don't get any junk mail at all. I traded speed for that. However I would like to be able to get my mail. How can I help? I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public. Donald
  4. I'm getting really frustrated that I am not getting any new e-mail. This has been going on for some time and I am wondering what is being done about it. Get up, Fall down, No problem! Donald
  5. I'm still not getting any new mail. Get up, Fall down, No problem! sigsby
  6. I am not receiving any incomming e-mail. I sent myself an e-mail from work and it is not showing up in my InBox. Just wanted to keep you updated. Get up, Fall down, No problem! Donald
  7. sigsby


    I have never recieved any junkmail since I've had my e-mail account through Today for the first time I recieved an e-mail from an unknown source and it also had an attachement with a virus. Fortunately I work with computers and expected the file to be infected. The e-mail came from [email protected]. If you recieve an e-mail with an attchement from an unknown sender do not open it. Get up, Fall down, No problem! sigsby
  8. I like the planes that take me to altitude and then I get to jump out of. Get up, Fall down, No problem! Donald
  9. Can you believe this? We have been hammered with winter for what seems like forever here in the North East. Today is by far the best day we've had all year and I'm stuck at work. I'd rather be skydiving! Get up, Fall down, No problem! Donald
  10. sigsby

    Ohio Dropzones

    I jump at the Cleveland Parachute Center. I'm new to the sport and have only been to a few other drop zones but I've had fewer problems there and the people are great. The only problem I have had in Parkman is the weather. Other drop zones there have been many dificulties. As a student I've jumped in high winds at one drop zone. At another I had to fight to kepp my reserve from being deployed in the aircraft and had engine problems with the plane. I've never experienced any of the bad stuff in Parkman. Get up, Fall down, No problem! sigsby
  11. I am, I am. I'm a DeadHead, Skydiving, Computer Geek. Get up, Fall down, No problem! sigsby
  12. I sure hope I'm not the only Deadhead skydiver. The spirit of the Grateful Dead must go on. I still haven't seen a tie dye canopy but I would realy like one. Get up, Fall down, No problem! sigsby
  13. Hook turns are not allowed at my home DZ. I was jumping at another DZ last year and I couldn't believe how fast they would swoop in. A lot of the skydivers there did demo jumps all the time and had the ratings to go along. I'm not ready for all of that just yet. CREW looks like fun though. Get up, Fall down, No problem! sigsby
  14. I've heard it mentioned that canopy control skills should be tougher to accieve your A license. So, instead of creating a new organizion with a new set of licenses then perhaps we should take a look at the current requirements. Get up, Fall down, No problem! sigsby